Performance summary
An overview of AHPRA’s performance across key functions
637,218 health practitioners in 14 professions registered to practise in Australia
Growth in registrant numbers in all professions, except practitioners who hold dual registration as both a nurse and a midwife
More than 141,951 students studying to be health practitioners in Australia through an approved program of study/clinical training program
98% of practitioners completed the online workforce survey, creating invaluable data for workforce planning and reform
Over 97% of nurses and midwives now renew their annual registration online; based on results for comparable organisations internationally, this is leading practice globally
61,517 applications for registration across all professions
51,947 domestic and international criminal history checks
3,100 (5.97%) disclosable court outcomes
44 actions to limit registration in response to these outcomes
8,426 notifications in 2014/15, down from 10,047 in 2013/14*
1.3% of 637,218 practitioners were the subject of a notification
16% decrease in notifications lodged overall
27% decrease in mandatory notifications; with variations across states and territories
19% decrease in notifications about medical practitioners
54% of notifications were about medical practitioners, who make up 16% of total practitioners
10% decrease in nursing and midwifery notifications
177 appeals lodged in tribunals about Board decisions made under the National Law
Of the 135 appeals that were finalised, 75.6% resulted in no change to the Board decision as an outcome of the appeal (11.8%) or because the application was withdrawn (63.7%)
Of the matters decided by tribunals in the year, 89.4% resulted in disciplinary action
84.7% of the finalised ‘immediate actions’ – for the most serious risks – led to restrictions on registration
* Due to changes to how notifications are received in Queensland, our Queensland notifications data only reflect matters that have been referred to us by the Office of the Health Ombudsman
Statutory offences
300 advertising-related complaints
188 offence complaints in relation to title and practice protections
Five cases of falsely claiming to be a registered health practitioner successfully prosecuted before the courts
AHPRA: Supporting the National Boards
94% of health practitioners responded with ‘very satisfied’ when asked to rate their interaction with our customer service teams
73 requests received for access to registered health practitioner data and information for research purposes
Our 15 websites received more than 9.9 million visits in 2014/15 and more than 51 million page views
3,825 followers on Twitter since our launch in March 2014
167 freedom of information applications finalised
Received up to 1,650 phone calls and 200 web enquiries each working day and 5,000 calls daily in peak times
More than 100 National Board appointments and 60 state and territory appointments made by health ministers, in a process supported by AHPRA
Customer service teams resolved 93.6% of telephone calls at first contact