Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Have your say on draft guidelines for practitioners who perform and who advertise non-surgical cosmetic procedures
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Have your say on draft guidelines for practitioners who perform and who advertise non-surgical cosmetic procedures

27 Nov 2023

Ahpra and the National Boards are consulting on three documents related to the regulation of registered health practitioners who perform and who advertise non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

We invite your feedback on any or all of the following draft guidelines: 

  1. Guidelines for nurses who perform non-surgical cosmetic procedures (nurses practice guidelines) 
  2. Guidelines for registered health practitioners who perform non-surgical cosmetic procedures (shared practice guidelines) 
  3. Guidelines for registered health practitioners who advertise non-surgical cosmetic procedures (advertising guidelines). 

The two draft practice and advertising guidelines will apply to registered health practitioners performing and advertising non-surgical cosmetic procedures, including dentists. With recent data showing two thirds of dental practitioners advertise online, we encourage you to have your say. Much like the Medical Board’s new cosmetic surgery advertising guidelines – now in place – these advertising guidelines will include guidance around issues such as before and after images, claims about experience and qualifications and reinforce the ban on the use of testimonials. The use of social media influencers is also a focus. 

The consultation is open for 10 weeks, closing on 2 February 2024.  

Learn more about the consultation and how you can have your say on the Ahpra or Dental Board consultation pages.  

Page reviewed 27/11/2023