English language skills

All registered health practitioners need to be able to engage with the people in their care, they need to be able to provide clear and concise information to those that need it.

To get registration in Australia, every applicant must meet their National Board’s English language skills standard. This includes Australian-trained or overseas qualified applicants.

This standard supports registered health practitioners to practise safely in Australia.

The standard does not apply to students but does apply to graduates and anyone seeking registration in Australia for the first time.

Read the Registration standard: English language skills

English language skills requirements for applicants seeking registration with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia can be found on their National Board’s website.

English language skills pathway selection tool

Which pathway is right for me?

Use this self-assessment tool to work out which pathway is right for you to meet the Registration standard: English language skills.

Based on your answers, the results will provide advice on the appropriate pathway and evidence you may need to provide when applying for registration.

Frequently asked questions

Information to help you meet the standard.

Evidence guide

What information you will need to provide when applying for registration.

Accepted tests

Meeting the standard by completing an English test.