Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Accreditation publications
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Accreditation publications

You can find useful reference documents in this section.

Document name PDF Accessible format Document date
Statement of intent on National Scheme collaboration in accreditation
PDF (147 KB)
Word version
(135 KB,DOCX)
October 2022
Communication between Accreditation Authorities and National Boards about accreditation and program approval decisions and changes to accreditation standards – a guidance document about good practice PDF (243 KB)
Word version
(108 KB,DOCX)
9 October 2020
Management of complaints relating to accreditation functions under the National Law - a guidance document PDF (345KB)  Word version
(370 KB,DOCX)
17 September 2021
Quality Framework for the Accreditation Function PDF (88.2KB) Word version 
(822 KB,DOCX)
27 August 2018

Joint Meeting of National Boards, Accreditation Authorities and Ahpra

  • Overview of prescribing competencies and the Health Practitioner Prescribing Pathway Project

  • Overview - Endorsement for scheduled medicines

  • HPACF - Forum work on mapping accreditation standards across disciplines and exploring potential for efficiencies, common standards and processes

  • ANZPAC - Implementation of a scheduled medicines endorsement in podiatry
PDF (508 KB) Word version 
(167 KB,DOCX)
25 June 2014
PDF (608 KB) Powerpoint presentation
(1.62 MB,PPTX)
25 June 2014 
PDF (172 KB) Powerpoint presentation
(227 KB,PPTX) 
25 June 2014
PDF (427 KB) Powerpoint presentation
(88.6 KB,PPTX)
25 June 2014 
PDF (878 KB) Powerpoint presentation
(2.00 MB,PPTX)
25 June 2014
Joint meeting of National Boards, Accreditation Authorities and Ahpra - Meeting summary PDF (111 KB)  Word version 
(55.7 KB,DOCX) 
27 May 2016 
Cost of Accreditation in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme PDF (1.43 MB) November 2016
Cost of Accreditation in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme: 2020 Supplementary report including 2016/17 and 2017/18 financial year data PDF (1.53 MB)   November 2020
Comparison of international accreditation systems for registered health professions PDF (3.11 MB) November 2016
Accreditation in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS):
A snapshot 2023/24
PDF (248 KB)
  18 December 2024
Accreditation in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS): 
A snapshot 2022/23
PDF (296 KB)   13 December 2023
Accreditation in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS):
A snapshot 2021/22

PDF (327 KB)

  22 February 2023
Accreditation in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS):
A snapshot 2020/21
PDF (268 KB) Word version
(819 KB,DOCX)
20 December 2021
Accreditation in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS):
A snapshot 2019/20
PDF  (268 KB)   16 December 2020
Accreditation in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS):
A snapshot 2018/19
PDF (267KB)   December 2020
Accreditation in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS):
A snapshot 2017/18
PDF (88.2KB) 23 December 2019
The role of accreditation in improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health outcomes PDF (1.28 MB)   2 January 2020

Retired versions

Document name PDF Accessible format Document date
Management of complaints relating to accreditation functions under the National Law – a guidance document PDF (261 KB);
Word version  (171 KB,DOCX)
18 May 2015
Communication between Accreditation Authorities and National Boards about accreditation and program approval decisions and changes to accreditation standards – a guidance document about good practice PDF (218 KB)
Word version 
(169 KB,DOCX)
19 May 2015
Quality Framework for the Accreditation Function PDF (184 KB) Word version
(587 KB,DOCX)
12 July 2013 
Accreditation under the National Law Act PDF (445 KB)   27 February 2012

Web Content Accessibility

Ahpra and the 15 National Boards in the National Scheme recognise the importance of providing website content that is inclusive and available for all users.

If you need accessible versions of these documents please email the Digital Services team.

Page reviewed 13/02/2025