WA Annual Report Summary 2015/16
Local decisions: National Scheme
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency and the National Boards, reporting on the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme.
At a glance: regulating health practitioners in Victoria in 2015/16
This annual report summary offers a snapshot of our work regulating more than 67,000 registered health practitioners in Western Australia (WA) for the financial year to 30 June 2016.
A more detailed national profile is published in the AHPRA and the National Boards’ 2015/16 annual report.

WA practitioners accounted for 10.2% of all registered health practitioners in Australia
6,643 new applications for registration were received in WA, a decrease of 0.8% year on year

6,547 criminal history checks were carried out for applicants in WA. Of 459 disclosable court outcomes, six required regulatory action
718 notifications were received about registrants with a principal place of practice in WA

112 new statutory offence complaints were received, an increase of 166.7% from the previous year
635 WA practitioners were monitored in relation to additional requirements of their registration during the year
The majority of these were medical practitioners (242) or nurses (154)
There was an 8.1% decrease in notifications in WA, from 781 in 2014/15
67,384 health practitioners were registered in WA in 2015/16, compared with 65,588 the previous year

Women comprised 78% of the registered WA health workforce
16.7% of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners were based in WA
3% of all osteopaths were based in WA
7.1% of all notifications (complaints or concerns) received nationally during the year were about practitioners in WA