Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Search
Look up a health practitioner


Check if your health practitioner is qualified, registered and their current registration status
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Search tips

If you are not able to find the results you were looking for, try one of the following:

  1. Search using different keywords.

  2. Reduce the number of words in your search

  3. Add any websites you have excluded. This will increase the information included in your search.

Advanced search information

You can use the following characters to change the way we will search for your keywords:

  • Wildcard Place * before or after a few letters to find any results with those letters. For example, regist* will display results that include 'register', 'registration' and 'registrant'.

  • Exact phrase Use " " around your keywords to search in the order you write them. For example "renew online".

  • Similar search Include any words in brackets [ ] that you want to search for. After the brackets include any words that must be accompanied with them in the results. For example, [register renew] online will look for any results that match 'register online' or 'renew online'.

Page reviewed 30/04/2024