Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Court and tribunal decisions
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Court and tribunal decisions

Court and tribunal outcomes are independent and public.

Tribunal decisions relate to complaints or concerns about the conduct, performance or behaviour of a health practitioner.

Court decisions can sometimes refer to an appeal of a tribunal decision or more commonly the outcome in court of a criminal offence matter.

We publish summaries of these outcomes on the Ahpra and National Board websites. For decisions about practitioners in New South Wales, please refer to the Health Care Complaints Commission website.

We also publish a link to tribunal or court decisions on each practitioner’s record on the Public register which involve adverse findings and which were delivered after the start of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme.

Publishing outcomes can help the person we receive the complaint or concern about see through the eyes of the person who raised it with us.

They also help practitioners understand how the National Law helps them to practise safely or ethically.

Importantly, they show members of the public what is an acceptable and unacceptable level of care and behaviour.

A full record of decisions made by adjudication bodies (other than panels) relating to complaints made about health practitioners or students is published in the Australian Health Practitioner Law Library published on the Australian Legal Information Institute’s (AustLII) website.

Court and tribunal decisions from 2014 (not including NSW)

The following table lists summaries of some court and tribunal decisions relevant to the National Law. These are published periodically as decisions are handed down. 

This table allows for filtering certain columns. To filter by Board, use the drop down box. To filter by Date of decision and Case name, type in the date/name required (e.g. typing in 2014 will filter results from that year). You can filter multiple rows if required.

Date of decision Board Case name Summary
05/02/25 Medical Board of Australia
Ahpra v Quentin Geczy
The Downing Centre Local Court has convicted a medical student who held himself out as a registered medical practitioner. Read the news item here.
24/01/25 Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
Ahpra v name withheld
The Victorian Magistrates’ Court has convicted a former nurse who produced a fake registration certificate when applying for employment. Read the news item here.
10/01/24 Chiropractic Board of Australia Ahpra v David Williams
A Magistrate has sentenced a man for practising as a chiropractor whilst suspended. Read the news item.
11/12/24 Paramedicine Board Ahpra v Lachlan Gardner  The Downing Centre Local Court has convicted a man who worked as a paramedic without registration. Read the news item.
25/11/24 Nursing and Midwifery Board
Ahpra v Andilla Neise Parsons
A former midwife who surrendered her registration was found not guilty after a trial in the Southport Magistrates Court in which she was alleged to have held herself out as a midwife. Read the news item here.
04/11/24  Dental Board Dental BOard of Australia v Nalder (Review & Regulation)  Dr Kai Nalder: A dentist in Western Australia has had his registration cancelled and been disqualified from applying for registration for two years for having a sexual relationship with a patient, as well as inappropriate self-prescribing, poor record keeping and breaching patient confidentiality. Read the news item.
17/10/24 Paramedicine Board
Paramedicine Board of Australia v Roy Vanderberg
Roy Vanderberg: A tribunal has reprimanded a Queensland paramedic and put conditions on his registration for acting outside his scope of practice and failing to keep adequate records. Read the news item
04/10/24 Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia
Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia v Le
Huu Thanh Xuan Le: A medical radiation practitioner has been reprimanded and had her registration suspended after failing to hold professional indemnity insurance for five years. Read the news item.
18/09/24 Psychology Board of Australia
Psychology Board of Australia v Polata
Melanya Polata: A Queensland provisional psychologist has been reprimanded for breaching professional boundaries with a patient, and failing to maintain adequate treatment records, while practising at an adult male prison. Read the news item
09/09/24 Medical Board
Medical Board of Australia v Ceasar Sarsoza Torres
Ceasar Sarsoza Torres: A Queensland tribunal has suspended a general practitioner for inappropriate prescribing following the death of a patient. Read the news item
21/08//24 Medical Board
Medical Board of Australia v Michael Kozminsky
Dr Michael Kozminsky: A Victorian general practitioner has received a reprimand and a three-month suspension for failing to adequately treat a patient addicted to sleeping tablets and failing to maintain appropriately detailed medical records. Read the news item.
20/08/24 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Zhao
Dr Wen Zhao: A tribunal has found that, during a consultation, under the pretence of performing a digital vaginal examination, a Melbourne doctor penetrated a pregnant patient with his penis without her consent.
19/08/24 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Reed  Alisha Reed: EN Reed engaged in professional misconduct and unprofessional conduct, was reprimanded. Read the news item.
12/08/24 Nursing and Midwifery Board Ahpra v name withheld The Southport Magistrates Court has sentenced a woman who worked as a nurse whilst unregistered. Read the news item.
12/08/24 Chiropractic Board Chiropractic Board of Australia v name withheld  A Magistrate has sentenced and fined a man $15,000 for practising as a chiropractor whilst suspended. Read the news item
09/08/24 Medical Board
Ahpra v Unregistered woman
A Victorian woman1 who led a patient to believe she was a medical practitioner specialising in hormone therapy has today been sentenced to a $10,000 fine without conviction after pleading guilty in the Magistrates Court of Victoria at Heidelberg. Read the news item.
08/08/24 Medical Board
Ahpra v name withheld
The Magistrates’ Court of Victoria has sentenced a woman who held herself out as a medical practitioner. Read the news item.
14/06/24 Medical Board of Australia
Medical Board of Australia v Foroughi
Faramarz Foroughi: A doctor has been reprimanded and had his registration cancelled following an inappropriate relationship with a vulnerable patient. Read the news item. 
07/06/24 Dental Board Ahpra v name withheld
Name withheld: A WA court has fined a dentist who continued to practice after failing to renew their registration. Read the news item.
29/05/24 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Pham
Phuc Nhan Pham: A Victorian general practitioner has been reprimanded and had his registration suspended for inappropriately prescribing restricted medications. Read the news item.
21/05/24 Medical Board
Medical Board of Australia v Jon Currie
Jon Currie: A Victorian tribunal has disqualified a former medical practitioner from re-registering until March 2029, following a finding of professional misconduct related to prescribing of Schedule 8 medications, involving 14 patients over five years. Read the news item.
10/05/24 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Easdon
Blair Easdon: A Victorian nurse has had his registration cancelled and is disqualified from reapplying until April 2025 after intentionally touching and groping the breasts of two unconscious female patients. Read the news item.
19/04/24 Occupational Therapy Board  Occupational Therapy Board of Australia v Jerome Michael Yap
Yap: An occupational therapist has been banned for a total of six years for indecently dealing with a child, offences committed while the therapist was a student and before they became a registered health practitioner. Read the news item.
16/04/24 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Mbachilin
Godwin Mbachilin: A doctor has been reprimanded and had his registration cancelled for dishonest conduct, breaching registration conditions and professional misconduct. Read the news item.
14/04/24 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Benjamin Saunders
Benjamin Saunders: A West Australian tribunal has ordered a medical practitioner’s registration be cancelled following a finding he transgressed professional and sexual boundaries with three of his female patients. The practitioner was also disqualified from applying for registration for 12 months. Read the news item.
09/04/24 Chiropractic Board Chiropractic Board of Australia v Gooch
Gooch: A chiropractor has been reprimanded and had conditions imposed on his registration for failing to hold professional indemnity insurance and recklessly making false declarations to the Chiropractic Board of Australia. Read the news item.
04/03/24 Medical Board
Medical Board of Australia v Gopal
Manu Maimbilly Gopal: A doctor has had his registration cancelled and been disqualified from reapplying for 15 years after raping two patients and inappropriately touching another. Read the news item.
13/03/24 Medical Board Ahpra v Dr Lisa Baynes
The Downing Centre Local Court has convicted a woman who worked as a medical doctor while unregistered. Read the news item.
19/02/24  Podiatry Board  Ahpra v name withheld Name withheld: A NSW court has fined a practitioner who produced a fake registration certificate and worked as a podiatrist whilst unregistered. Read the news item
16/02/24 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dr Andrej Grajn
A surgeon has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for two years for having an inappropriate relationship with a patient, who later died by suicide. Read the news item.
06/02/24 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Ellis Michael Ellis: A Victorian general practitioner has had his registration cancelled after spreading misinformation and discrimination on social media. Read the news item.
02/02/24 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Ong  Ong: A former GP has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for four years, after prescribing inappropriate and dangerous drugs and providing below standard clinical care to multiple patients. Read the news item.
25/01/24 Pharmacy Board
Ahpra v name not disclosed
The Downing Centre Local Court has sentenced a man who worked as a pharmacist for four months whilst unregistered. Read the news item.
25/01/24  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Kemp  Geoffrey Kemp: A doctor has been reprimanded, banned from providing health services and disqualified from applying for registration until 2028 for providing sub-standard, potentially unsafe care over more than a decade. Read the news item.
18/01/24 Nursing and Midwifery Board The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Gorner
Ms Gorner: A midwife providing private midwifery and home birthing services has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for 10 years by a tribunal after she practised outside established standards and inconsistently with evidence informed care. Read the news item.
21/12/23 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Picton
Jonathan Picton: A psychologist is suspended for 18 months for boundary transgressions. Read the news item.
21/12/23 Psychology Board
Psychology Board of Australia v Lampacher
Gillian Lampacher: A psychologist is banned from applying for registration for the next three years after a tribunal found she had committed a serious boundary violation relating to a client she also provided substandard care to. Read the news item.
21/12/23 Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Shelah Johnston
Shelah Johnston: A psychologist is suspended for 20 months for failing to maintain professional boundaries with her clients and a former employee. Read the news item.
21/12/23 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Lauren Murray Lauren Murray: A Perth pharmacist has had her registration cancelled and has been disqualified from re-applying for 18 months for dispensing medications to herself and others without valid prescriptions over a six-month period.
Read the news item. 
20/12/23 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Rest Park Rest: A Victorian pharmacist who inappropriately dispensed medications has been reprimanded by a tribunal, with his registration suspended for two months and conditions imposed on his registration upon his return to practice. Read the news item.
19/12/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Antonelli
A nurse has been disqualified and prohibited for 12-months for obtaining and mishandling drugs including fentanyl, incorrect records, breaching conditions of his registration and dishonesty. Read the news item.
18/12/23 Psychology Board
Psychology Board of Australia v Saxone
A Victorian psychologist has been disqualified for four years for failing to keep professional boundaries, having multiple relationships with a client, poor record-keeping and sub-standard care. Read the news item.
14/12/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board Ahpra v Sonya Whitestyles Sonya Whitestyles: A Queensland Magistrates’ Court has convicted a woman who falsely claimed to be registered as a nurse in her ‘integrative medicine’ business. Read the news item.
Medical Board Jockoo v Medical Board of Australia Read the tribunal’s decision on AustLII.
13/12/23 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Rizwan Sami
Rizwan Sami: A Melbourne doctor has been cleared of allegations of professional misconduct after having sex with a patient whilst intoxicated in the toilets of a Melbourne bar. Read the news item
12/12/23 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Mina Tawadros
Mina Tawadros: A Victorian pharmacist has had his registration cancelled and has been disqualified from reapplying for registration for 12 months for inappropriate behaviour with three female clients and inappropriate dispensing. Read the news item.
12/12/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Brar  Ms Kamaljeet Brar: A tribunal has cancelled a nurse’s registration and disqualified her from applying for registration for four years after she continued to attend work and practice as a registered nurse despite becoming aware that she had tested positive for Covid-19. Read the news item.
08/12/23 Physiotherapy Board  Physiotherapy Board of Australia v Phillip Dee
A Western Australian physiotherapist who failed to renew his registration and kept practicing has been suspended for two months. Read the news item.
08/12/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board
Ahpra v Name not disclosed
A woman who worked as an enrolled nurse for over two years without registration pleads guilty. Read the news item.
04/12/23 Physiotherapy Board Physiotherapy Board of Australia v Starling Emmery Starling: A West Australian physiotherapist has been suspended for four months after having an intimate relationship with a former patient soon after the clinical relationship had ended. Read the news item.
01/12/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Selvarani Burwood
Ms Selvarani Burwood: A tribunal has reprimanded and disqualified a registered nurse from applying for registration for 12 months after she used her position as an educator and supervisor to steal personal protective equipment during a national shortage and global pandemic. Read the news item.
29/11/23 Paramedicine Board Paramedicine Board of Australia v Clark
Mr Rick Clark: A former Victorian paramedic has been banned from reapplying for registration for five years after failing to attempt the resuscitation of a dying patient. Read the news item
24/11/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia v Harrison Julie Harrison: A former manager of the Oakden Older Persons Mental Health Facility has been disqualified from nursing for a decade. Read the news item.
17/11/23 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Hegde
Mr Chetan Anant Hegde: Registered pharmacist suspended for two months, reprimanded, and fined $10,000 for non-therapeutic steroid dispensing. Read the news item.
19/11/23 Medical Board
Medical Board of Australia v Robert James Byrne
Robert James Byrne: A South Australian tribunal has cancelled and disqualified a medical practitioner from applying for registration and from providing any health services for a total of four years. Read the news item.
02/11/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Atkins
Mr Andrew James Atkins: A tribunal has disqualified a registered nurse from re-applying for registration for five years after he repeatedly sexually harassed a work colleague for seven months. Read the news item.
02/11/23 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v CDA An ACT doctor has been prohibited from providing any health service and cannot apply for registration for 12 months after a landmark ruling over discriminatory and offensive behaviour. Read the news item.
09/11/23  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v M  A Perth-based nurse/midwife convicted of child exploitation offences has been reprimanded by a tribunal, had her registration cancelled and been disqualified from applying for registration for five years. Read the news item
02/11/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v de Mouilpied
Mr Peter de Mouilpied: Former registered nurse reprimanded, disqualified from re-applying for registration for ten years and prohibited from providing any health service until re-registered with the NMBA after being convicted of drug and child sex offences. Read the news item.
25/10/23  Paramedicine Board  Paramedicine Board of Australia v Pickard-Clark  A Victorian tribunal has found a paramedic who falsified his registration certificate engaged in professional misconduct and suspended him for 12 months. Read the news item
11/10/23 Dental Board
Holt v Dental Board of Australia
Former Northern Territory dentist to pay $100,000 in costs, disqualified for five years. Read the news item.
11/10/23  Medical Board Ahpra v Dalya Karezi Dalya Karezi: A NSW court has convicted a woman who falsely claimed to be a medical practitioner in emails and on social media. Read the news item
10/11/23  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Remandaban Joanna Remandaban: A Victorian nurse who misappropriated cannula items from her employer to administer a schedule 4 poison has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had mentoring conditions imposed on her registration. Read the news item
05/12/23 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Manh Nguyen
A South Australian pharmacist has had his registration cancelled and is disqualified from applying for registration until November 2025 for unlawfully possessing prescription medication belonging to his employer and offering to supply drugs and prescription medication to associates. Read the news item.
05/10/23 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Malcolm George Roberts
Malcolm Roberts: A psychiatrist has been reprimanded by a tribunal for professional misconduct that included inappropriate prescribing and inadequate clinical record-keeping. Read the news item.
26/09/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board Ahpra v Ms Alison Jane Mibus Ms Alison Jane Mibus: A South Australian woman has become the first Australian sent to jail for pretending to be a registered health practitioner. Read the news item.
15/09/23 Medical Board  The Medical Board of Australia v Hmood
Dr Hmood: A tribunal has reprimanded a medical practitioner, Dr Atheer Hmood, cancelled his registration, disqualified him from applying for registration for a period of eight years, and prohibited him from providing any health service which involves physical contact with a female, when he is alone with a female, for eight years. Read the news item.
14/09/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Johnson Ms Sarah Johnson: A tribunal has disqualified a registered nurse from applying for registration for two years after she misappropriated various medications, including Schedule 3 and 4 medications, from her workplace, and prohibited her from providing a health service in certain conditions. Read the news item.
13/09/23  Physiotherapy Board  Physiotherapy Board of Australia v Espedido A Victoria physiotherapist has been disqualified for six years and prohibited from providing health services that pose a demonstrable risk to the public for touching a patient in a sexual manner and asking her to strip unnecessarily during treatment. Read the full news item.
13/09/23 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Andrew McGavigan Dr Andrew Douglas McGavigan: A doctor convicted and jailed for accessing and possessing child exploitation materials has had his registration cancelled by a tribunal and been disqualified from applying for registration for 10 years. Read the news item.
08/09/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Harris Mr Stephan Harris: A nurse who sexually harassed four colleagues has been reprimanded and suspended from practising by a tribunal for eight months. Read the news item.
06/09/23 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Simon David Thompson  Simon David Thompspn: A Victorian general practitioner’s registration cancelled following assault. Read the news item.
06/09/23 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Nagraj Dr Mohan Nagraj: Medical practitioner reprimanded, disqualified from applying for registration for nine months and ordered to pay Board's costs of $5,000 for inappropriate conduct. Read the news item.
30/08/23 Physiotherapy Board Ahpra v Carlos Ferreira Carlos Ferreira:  A Queensland Magistrates’ Court has fined a man who falsely claimed to be qualified to practise as a physiotherapist. Read the news item.
23/08/23  Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Duff  Dr Jacques Duff: A Victorian psychologist who treated two patients as both a psychologist and nutritionist has been reprimanded by a tribunal for professional misconduct and been put under supervision. Read the news item
14/08/23 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Nicholas Carr
Nicholas Carr: A Victorian medical practitioner has been reprimanded and fined $12,000 for paperwork that failed to comply with the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 (Vic). Read the news item.
10/08/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Nelsen
A South Australian nurse has been disqualified and prohibited for six months for failing to give medication to eight vulnerable, aged-care residents, incorrectly disposing of medication and falsifying patient’s clinical records. Read the news item.
04/08/23 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Marchesi  Mr Raymond Marchesi: Medical practitioner reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for four years after having had an inappropriate personal and sexual relationship with a patient. Read the news item.
31/07/23 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v name withheld Name withheld: A SA court has fined a woman who falsely claimed to be registered as a psychologist in applications for employment. Read the news item.
20/07/23 Pharmacy Board Ahpra v Olivia Nguyen Olivia Nguyen: An Adelaide woman has been convicted and fined $1,200 for holding herself out as a pharmacist when she completed 10 shifts at two different pharmacies. Read the news item.
14/07/23  Dental Board  Dental Board of Australia v Paul Anderson Paul Anderson: a Queensland dentist has been reprimanded by a tribunal for professional misconduct involving scheduled medicines. Read the news item.
11/07/23  Chiropractic Board  Chiropractic Board of Australia v Ms Oborne Ms Sophie Oborne: A Victorian chiropractor who falsely declared they had professional indemnity insurance (PII) and practised without it for four years has been reprimanded for professional misconduct and suspended for two months. Read the news item
10/07/23 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Paul Dunne Paul Dunne: Former Queensland psychologist reprimanded by tribunal, disqualified from applying for registration for 24 months and prohibited from providing certain health services for professional misconduct that included providing non-evidence-based treatments and not maintaining adequate clinical records. Read the news item.
06/07/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v a registered nurse and midwife
A registered nurse and midwife: A tribunal has reprimanded, cancelled and disqualified a registered nurse and midwife from applying for registration for 15 months after she used her position to access family members’ medical record details without permission. Read the news item.
26/06/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Rees Mr Rees: A nurse who sent inappropriate sexualised and/or intimidating and exploitative communications to two junior nurse colleagues has been reprimanded and had conditions imposed on his registration. Read the news item.
23/06/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Combe
A South Australian tribunal has found a nurse who grabbed a patient by the hair, guilty of professional misconduct and disqualified him from re-registration for two years. Read the news item.
22/06/23  Occupational Therapy Board Occupational Therapy Board of Australia v Sharon Stay OTBA v Sharon Stay: A Queensland woman has been found guilty of a charge of describing herself as an occupational therapist. Read the news item.
22/06/23 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Brewster  Mr David Brewster: Pharmacist disqualified from applying for registration for five years following a criminal conviction. Read the news item.
19/06/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v (name redacted)
A tribunal has suspended a nurse's registration for three months after she was convicted of conspiring with another to supply less than a commercial quantity of a dangerous drug. Read the news item.
14/06/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Logan
A tribunal has disqualified an enrolled nurse from applying for registration for five years and ordered a concurrent prohibition to provide certain health services after he used unnecessary force towards an elderly patient. Read the news item.
01/06/23 State Administrative Tribunal Medical Board of Australia v Crawford A Western Australian medical practitioner has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for two years for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
01/06/23 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v XOT XOT: A Victorian tribunal has reprimanded and disqualified a medical practitioner from applying for registration for 16 years and prohibited him from providing any health service until he is granted registration, following his criminal conviction in 2020 of multiple sexual assaults and acts of incest against a child. Read the news item.
06/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v withheld
A tribunal has suspended a nurse's registration for three months after they were convicted of conspiring with another to supply less than a commercial quantity of a dangerous drug. Read the news item.
05/05/23 Chiropractic Board Chiropractic Board of Australia v Dillon  Mr Sean Dillon: Registered chiropractor reprimanded and conditions placed on his registration after he was found to have behaved in a way that constitutes professional misconduct. Read the news item.
04/05/23  Dental Board Dental Board of Australia v Krishna A tribunal has reprimanded and disqualified a dentist from registration for nine months for substantial clinical care that amounted to professional misconduct. Read the news item.
09/05/23 Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Mr David Hilton  Mr David Hilton: A West Australian psychologist, who engaged in inappropriate conduct and transgressed professional boundaries with two patients, has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had his registration suspended for nine months. Read the news item.
05/05/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Peters Ms Peters: A tribunal has reprimanded and disqualified an enrolled nurse from applying for registration for 12 months after she misappropriated Schedule 8 medicines and provided false and misleading information to the regulator. Read the news item.
28/04/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Ulyana Kora Ms Ulyana Kora: a midwife is banned from practising for three months and will return to the register with strict conditions following a tribunal outcome. Read the news item.
27/04/23 Medical Board  Raiz v Medical Board of Australia Read the decision on the AustLII website.
27/04/23 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Fitzpatrick Dr Timothy Fitzpatrick: A tribunal has reprimanded and imposed a condition on a general practitioner in relation to medical certificates and medical records. Read the news item.
27/04/23 Paramedicine Board  Paramedicine Board v Carina Calvert Carina Calvert: A woman jailed for Medicare-related fraud has been reprimanded and disqualified from registering as a paramedic. Read the news item.
20/04/23 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Li-Sien Rebekah Neoh Li-Sien Rebekah Neoh: A South Australian doctor has been reprimanded and had conditions placed on her registration after she failed to obtain informed consent from at least 180 patients, failed to provide them adequate medical care, and also failed to keep proper medical records and failed to maintain the integrity of the medical records. Read the news item.
04/04/23 Physiotherapy Board
Physiotherapy Board of Australia v Arash Tavakoli Shiraji
Arash Tavakoli Shiraji: The State Administrative Tribunal (WA) has dismissed allegations of professional misconduct against a physiotherapist accused of sexually violating a patient and making inappropriate comments during an appointment. Read the news item.
31/03/23 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v TXA
A tribunal has cautioned a medical practitioner for unprofessional conduct after he accepted a person as a patient, having had a personal relationship with them. Read the news item.
28/03/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Campese Mr David Benjamin Campese: A nurse who inappropriately touched a female colleague on multiple occasions at work has been disqualified from re-applying for registration for 12 months and prohibited from providing any health service. Read the news item.
23/03/23  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Hutchinson, Alison Jane  Alison Hutchinson: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse for professional misconduct after she was convicted and jailed for insurance fraud. Read the news item
22/03/23  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Jagdev Singh Sarwan Singh Mr Jagdev Singh Sarwan Singh: WA doctor suspended for inappropriately prescribed medications and failed to make adequate clinical notes for 14 patients. Read the news item.
16/03/23 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Esra Erkilic Ms Esra Erkilic: Provisional psychologist penalised for providing false details and breaching supervised practice rules. Read the news item.
16/03/23 Medical Board  Mark Hobart v Medical Board of Australia Read the decision on the High Court of Australia website.
15/03/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Tracy Joan Dawkins Ms Tracy Joan Dawkins: A tribunal has cancelled a nurse’s registration and disqualified her from applying for four years after she was convicted and imprisoned for aggravated robbery and attempted aggravated robbery. Read the news item.
08/03/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Buckland Ms Buckland: A tribunal has ordered that a registered nurse’s registration be cancelled and that she is disqualified from applying for registration after she was charged with criminal offences. Read the news item.
03/03/23 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Adams  Read the decision on the AustLII website.
23/02/23  Occupational Therapy Board Occupational Therapy Board v Charles Duku Charles Duku: A Victorian court has convicted and fined a man who pretended to be an occupational therapist while treating almost 100 elderly patients. Read the news item.
21/02/23 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Dr Karim Dr Karim: A Victorian medical practitioner convicted of unlawfully assaulting two patients has been reprimanded by a tribunal for professional misconduct and suspended from practising for nine months. Read the news item.
21/02/23 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Bradford  Dr Julie-Ann Bradford: A Queensland medical practitioner has been reprimanded and suspended for three months by a tribunal for professional misconduct involving inappropriate prescribing. Read the news item
10/02/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Joseph
Ms Julie-Ann Joseph: A tribunal has ordered that a registered nurse be reprimanded and complete a program of education after it was found she had practised under the influence of alcohol. Read the news item.
03/02/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Du Maurier
Ms Anita Du Maurier: A tribunal has cancelled a nurse’s registration and disqualified her from applying for two years after she spat at a vulnerable patient and used vulgar language. Read the news item.
27/01/23 Nursing and Midwifery Board The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Fear
Ms Fear: A tribunal has reprimanded an enrolled nurse for forging the signature of a colleague on 121 occasions and failing to administer and document an appropriate dose of a Schedule 4 medicine to a patient. Read the news item.
19/01/23 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Dr Conejera Dr Luz Conejera: A former Victorian medical practitioner has been reprimanded by a tribunal and disqualified from applying for registration for 12 months for professional misconduct involving scheduled medicines. Read the news item.
15/12/22 Dental Board  Dental Board of Australia v McKenna Dr Katheryn McKenna: A South Australian tribunal has found a dentist guilty of professional misconduct for falsifying medical certificates. Read the news item.
13/12/22 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Roberts Mr Andrew Roberts: Former pharmacist reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration or providing a health service for five years, after he was convicted in the SA Magistrates Court for criminal trespass, theft and creating false records. Read the news item.
13/12/22 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Ross  Mr Glen Ross: A tribunal has reprimanded a former Victorian psychologist for professional misconduct after finding he failed to recognise he was ‘professionally out of his depth’. Read the news item.
09/12/22 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Margaret Florence Lumley  Dr Margaret Florence Lumley: a specialist psychiatrist has been disqualified for two years after a tribunal finding of professional misconduct for a historical boundary violation matter. Read the news item.
08/12/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v A practitioner A medical practitioner who injured his son has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had his registration suspended for four months for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
02/12/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dr John  Dr Suresh John: a medical practitioner who failed to obtain a patient’s informed consent for an operation and made inappropriate comments has been reprimanded and had their registration suspended by a tribunal. Read the news item.
24/11/22 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v FAYE A tribunal has reprimanded and disqualified a psychologist from re-registration for three years for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
22/11/22 Pharmacy Board  Pharmacy Board of Australia v  VGV VGV: a tribunal has cited public protection when cancelling the registration of a pharmacist who was found guilty of criminal offences. Read the news item.
21/11/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Lockie
Mrs Shirley Lockie: A tribunal has suspended a nurse’s registration for nine months after she improperly issued a prescription using a medical practitioner’s name, allowed herself to be held out as a nurse practitioner on her practice website when she did not hold such an endorsement and misled regulators during the investigation. Read the news item.
31/10/22  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dr Giorgio Dr Bruno Giorgio: A retired Victorian medical practitioner has been reprimanded by a tribunal and disqualified from applying for registration for 12 months for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
26/10/22 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Eric Salter  Eric Salter: Victorian medical practitioner disqualified for 10 years, prohibited from providing any health service for 10 years and reprimanded by tribunal for serious professional misconduct. Read the news item.
17/10/22 Paramedicine Board Ahpra v Name not disclosed A Queensland Magistrates’ Court has fined a former paramedic for practising on a remote mine site while suspended. Read the news item.
07/10/22 Medical Board  Jeremy Buddle v Medical Board of Australia Mr Jeremy Buddle: a former medical practitioner previously convicted for possessing child exploitation material has again unsuccessfully applied for registration. Read the news item.
05/10/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Seabrook
Ms Seabrook: An enrolled nurse has been disqualified from applying for registration for a period of four years after she stole a pad and forged prescriptions, breached a condition on her registration and knowingly made false and misleading statements to Ahpra and The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). Read the news item.
27/09/22  Medical Board  Walid Aly v Medical Board of Australia Read the decision on the Austlii website.
26/09/22  Paramedicine Board Paramedicine Board of Australia v Bevan Robert Wayne Bevan: A paramedic has had his registration cancelled and been banned from providing health services for two years after he inappropriately pursued a relationship with a vulnerable patient and lied to investigators about it. Read the news item.
20/09/22 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board v Park  Ms Ga-Young Park: A pharmacist who misappropriated prescription-only pain killers and stole money from her workplace has been reprimanded, suspended and ordered to comply with health and education conditions. Read the news item.
19/09/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Yabut
Mr Alberto Yabut: A tribunal has cancelled an enrolled nurse’s registration after he engaged in an inappropriate relationship with a vulnerable patient. Read the news item.
19/09/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board Director of Public Prosecutions v Alexis Alvarez
The County Court of Victoria has upheld a sentence appeal filled by the DPP and resentenced a former nurse who continued to practice after he had surrendered his registration. Read the news item.
09/09/22 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Forgione Dr Nicholas Salvatore Forgione: A doctor has been disqualified from practising for four years for engaging in professional misconduct by breaching sexual boundaries with a patient. Read the news item.
30/08/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Ncube
Mr Ncube: A nurse who has been convicted of three counts of indecent assault against a colleague has had his registration cancelled and has been disqualified from applying for registration for a period of 15 months by a tribunal. Read the news item.
24/08/22 Dental Board  Dental Board of Australia v Munawar Hussain  Munawar Hussain: A Victorian dentist has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration until April 2023 for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
22/08/22 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Julianna Bonola Victorian psychologist has registration cancelled, is reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration or providing any health service until July 2023 for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
11/08/22 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v David Jones Mr David Jones: A Victorian psychologist has been banned from practising for a year after he was found to have engaged in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
02/08/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Ng Read the decision on the Austlii website.
29/07/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Datta  Dr Shyamal Datta: A tribunal has reprimanded a former medical practitioner for professional misconduct and ordered he be disqualified and prohibited from providing any health service for four years. Read the news item.
08/07/22 Medical Board HJO v Medical Board of Australia  Read the decision on the Austlii website.
01/07/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Szkup
Mr Daniel Szkup: A tribunal has cancelled a nurse’s registration after he engaged in harassment and intimidating behaviours and a failure comply with conditions requiring drug screening. Read the news item.
30/06/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Stratton Ms Jaclyn Stratton: A tribunal has suspended a nurse’s registration for three months for breaching professional boundaries with a patient and misleading her employer to the extent of their relationship. Read the news item.
28/06/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Ahpra v Brenda Pichinte Solis  Ms Brenda Pichinte Solis: A NSW District Court has reduced the sentence imposed by the NSW Local Court on a woman who worked as a nurse at a hospital and aged care facility before she became registered. Read the news item.
27/06/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dr Luke Sudhakar Voola Rao
A WA medical intern has had conditions imposed on his registration after being charged with the alleged sexual assault of a fellow intern. Read the news item
21/06/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Augustin Mr Diljo Augustin: A tribunal has reprimanded a registered nurse for engaging in professional misconduct after he was found guilty of common assault. Read the news item.
16/06/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Ballekere  Dr Yogananda Ballekere: A psychiatrist has been reprimanded, suspended from practice for three months and fined $15,000 for inappropriately self-prescribing restricted medicines. Read the news item.
14/06/22 Psychology Board
Ahpra v Name not disclosed
Name not disclosed: A social worker who claimed to be a psychologist and treated a patient has been fined $7,000 by a Queensland court. Read the news item.
27/05/22 Physiotherapy Board  Physiotherapy Board of Australia v Elizabeth Wilson
Ms Elizabeth Wilson: Former Bacchus Marsh clinical care director disqualified. Read the news item.
24/05/22  Podiatry Board  Podiatry Board of Australia v McMurray  Mr Stephen McMurray: A tribunal has reprimanded and suspended a podiatrist for practising while unregistered, and not holding professional indemnity insurance. Read the news item
12/05/22  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Ahpra v Belinda Elwell (aka Raynor) Ms Belinda Elwell: A NSW court has fined a woman who worked as a registered nurse at a medical centre despite being unqualified and unregistered. Read the news item
 6/05/22 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Elbasha Read the decision on the eCourts Portal of Western Australia.
29/04/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Cook
Ms Deidre Cook: A tribunal has suspended an enrolled nurse’s registration for professional misconduct after she assaulted an elderly patient. Read the news item.
29/04/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Sameir Kamal Sayyed Farah   Mr Sameir Kamal Sayyed Farah: a medical practitioner has been suspended and will have to undergo further education after a tribunal finding of professional misconduct for boundary violations. Read the news item
26/04/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Alvarez Mr Alexis Alvarez: A tribunal has ordered the cancellation of a nurse’s registration following his breach of professional boundaries by misleading international nursing students to believe he could fast track their immigration to Australia. Read the news item.
22/04/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Lodhi
Dr Bazel Lodhi: A tribunal has reprimanded and suspended a medical practitioner for two months for falsely prescribing a Schedule 8 medication and misleading the regulator. Read the news item.
19/04/22 Medical Board Dr Sofoklis Lahanis v Medical Board of Australia
Dr Sofoklis Lahanis: A tribunal has confirmed the decision of the Medical Board of Australia to suspend a GP’s registration following allegations of inappropriate conduct and/or performance. Read the news item.
14/04/22 Psychology Board Kolta v Psychology Board of Australia  Dr Marian Kolta: A tribunal has set aside a Psychology Board of Australia (the Board) decision to refuse a registered psychologist’s application for endorsement as a clinical psychologist. Read the news item.
Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Robyn Frances Robyn Frances: A tribunal has reprimanded a registered psychologist for unprofessional conduct. Read the news item.
08/04/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dr Priyantha Dayananda Dr Priyantha Dayananda: A Western Australian GP has been banned for re-applying for registration for seven and a half years after sexually assaulting a patient. Read the news item
07/04/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board
Ahpra v Name not disclosed
Name not disclosed: An enrolled nurse who admitted continuing to practise after their registration lapsed has been fined $2,000 by a Victorian court. Read the news item.
29/03/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Brenda Pichinte Solis Ms Brenda Pichinte Solis: A New South Wales court has convicted a woman who worked as a registered nurse at a hospital and an aged care residence despite not being registered and imposed a seven months sentence of imprisonment to be served by way of ICO in the community. Read the news item.
24/03/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Zhi Sin Lee Ms Zhi Sin Lee: A NSW District Court has varied the sentence imposed by the NSW Local Court on a woman who worked as a medical intern at a hospital despite being unqualified and unregistered. Read the news item.
23/03/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Thomas Ms Funmilayo Thomas: A tribunal has ordered the cancellation of a registered nurse’s registration after failing to take necessary assessments of a patient and making false amendments to their medical records. Read the news item.
Optometry Board Bhoola v OptomBA Mr Ashok Bhoola: An optometrist who tampered with over 400 glasses prescriptions has lost his bid to have his five-year disqualification overturned. Read the news item
17/03/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Day   A GP has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had their registration suspended for two months for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
04/03/22 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Laycock Mr Darren Laycock: A tribunal has ordered the cancellation of an enrolled nurse’s registration after he breached professional boundaries by forming sexual relationships with his patients. Read the news item.
03/02/22 Dental Board Roy George v Dental Board of Australia Dr Roy George: a Queensland dentist has been granted specialist registration after an appeal. Read the news item.
02/02/22 Medical Board Ahpra v Nicholas Sevdalis Dr Nicholas Sevdalis: A Victorian court has convicted a suspended medical practitioner who continued to practise and obstructed an Ahpra investigator. Read the media release.
24/01/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Piesse Mr John Piesse: A former medical practitioner who created and signed 149 false vaccination exemption certificates and falsely completed 177 Medicare vaccination forms has been reprimanded, disqualified from applying for registration for six years, and prohibited from providing any health service or using the title ‘Doctor’ or ‘Dr’. Read the news item.
20/01/22 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Zhi Sin Lee Ms Zhi Sin Lee: A NSW court has sentenced a woman who worked as a medical intern at a hospital despite being unqualified to two years imprisonment to be served by way of intensive correction order in the community and a fine of $10,000. Read the news item.
19/01/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Ashwin Menon Dr Ashwin Menon: A general practitioner has been reprimanded and had conditions placed on his registration for engaging in professional misconduct by sending inappropriate Facebook and Instagram communications to a patient. Read the news item.
12/01/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v
Dr Jacob Miller
Dr Jacob Miller: A Victorian GP has been disqualified for four years after a tribunal found he had prescribed drugs of dependence to vulnerable patients for his own use. Read the news item.
11/01/22 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v
Dr Constantin Jigau
 Dr Constantin Jigau: A Victorian GP has been reprimanded and had conditions imposed on his practice after a tribunal found he had engaged in inappropriate practice, failed to keep adequate clinical records and provided substandard patient care. Read the news item.
16/12/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Stokes
Ms Louisa Stokes: A tribunal has reprimanded a registered nurse and imposed conditions on her registration after she repeatedly breached drug and alcohol conditions on her registration. Read the news item.
03/12/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board
Ahpra v Name not disclosed
Name not disclosed: A Victorian court has ordered a person to pay $4,030 in compensation to a patient and $6,500 in legal costs to Ahpra after they admitted to falsely claiming to be a registered nurse. Read the news item.
10/11/21 Dental Board Dental Board of Australia v Nashaat Michael Nashaat Michael: A former dental practitioner convicted and jailed for indecent assault has been reprimanded, disqualified from applying for registration and prohibited from providing health services for 15 years for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
09/11/21 Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Knobel  A Victorian psychologist has been disqualified, reprimanded and had his registration cancelled for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
03/11/21  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Lorraine Lines Dr Lorraine Lines: The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal has reprimanded a formerly registered medical practitioner working at the Bacchus Marsh Hospital and disqualified her from applying for registration for three months. Read the news item.  
01/11/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Surinder Parhar  Dr Surinder Parhar: A medical practitioner was disqualified from applying for registration for 12 years following a tribunal finding of nine charges of professional misconduct. Read the news item.
25/10/21 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Huyen Tran Ms Huyen Tran: A Victorian pharmacist has been suspended for professional misconduct relating to improper dispensing of schedule 4 medications. Read the news item.
20/10/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Finau
Mr. Ikani Finau: A tribunal has ordered the cancellation of a nurse’s registration due to professional misconduct following his conviction of aggravated assault on a patient. Read the news item.
11/10/21 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Geoffrey Speldewinde
Read the decision on the Austlii website.
08/10/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Pang  Read the decision on the Austlii website.
21/09/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Pepulani  Dr Chris Pepulani: A general practitioner who breached his registration conditions by practising without supervision and failing to have professional indemnity insurance has been reprimanded by a tribunal and suspended for 12 months. Read the news item.
14/09/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Brian Geoffrey Holder Dr Brian Geoffrey Holder: SA doctor who attempted to murder a pharmacist, inappropriately prescribed medication for five patients and provided misleading information about his conduct, will never practise again. Read the media release.
13/09/21 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Dielenberg  Dr Claire Dielenberg: A tribunal has upheld the Medical Board’s decision to suspend a medical practitioner by way of immediate action for breaching sexual boundaries with a patient and prescribing high quantities of medications. Read the news item.
13/09/21 Medical Board Mark Jeffrey v Medical Board of Australia  Dr Mark Jeffrey: a Queensland doctor has had conditions removed after an appeal. Read the news item
08/09/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board Ahpra v David Drawwater Mr David Drawwater: A Queensland Magistrates’ Court has fined a former enrolled nurse who continued to practise for five months at an aged care facility after his registration lapsed. Read the media release.
03/09/22 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Molodov Read the decision on the Austlii website.
31/08/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Palle Palle: A tribunal has reprimanded and suspended a nurse after he published ‘disgraceful’ content about women on social media. Read the news item.
24/08/21 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Pradeep Balasubramanian  Dr Pradeep Balasubramanian: A medial practitioner has been reprimanded, had his registration cancelled and disqualified from applying for registration for seven years for communicating to make a child amenable to sexual activity. Read the news item. 
23/08/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Barnes Barnes: A tribunal has reprimanded a former nurse and disqualified her from reapplying for registration for one year after she stole at least $10,000 from her employer. Read the news item.
12/08/21 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Jacques Joubert Dr Jacques Joubert: A tribunal has upheld a decision of the Medical Board to suspend a practitioner charged with serious sexual assault. Read the news item
14/07/21  Dental Board  Ahpra v Name not disclosed Name not disclosed: A Victorian court has fined a dentist who continued to practise and perform restricted dental acts after his registration lapsed. Read the news item.  
30/06/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dr Billy Li Yu Dr Billy Yu: A medical practitioner has had his registration cancelled, been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for a period of 8 years after downloading, possessing and viewing child exploitation material for an extensive period. Read the news item.
29/06/21 Medical Board WSS v Medical Board of Australia  WSS: A tribunal has imposed conditions on a medical practitioner’s registration for unsatisfactory conduct and imposed alternate conditions. Read the news item.
23/06/21 & 20/11/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v EEB EEB: A tribunal has ordered that a registered nurse’s registration be cancelled after she engaged in professional misconduct by failing to undergo a health assessment. Read the news item.
22/06/21 Medical Board Ahpra v Aliaa Mohammed Elmetwally Ismaeli Sherif  Ms Aliaa Sherif: Convicted of 10 charges of holding herself out as a medical practitioner in the course of operating a clinic providing cosmetic services and treatment. Read the media release.
09/06/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Christopher Moschou Dr Christopher Moschou: A tribunal has permanently prohibited a general practitioner from providing any health service for performing an internal examination of a female patient without adequate explanation of the purpose of the examination and without adequate informed consent. Read the news item.
04/06/21  Pharmacy Board  Pharmacy Board of Australia v Timothy Hopwood Timothy Hopwood: A pharmacist has been reprimanded and conditions imposed on his registration for professional misconduct by having personal relationships with two patients. Read the news item.
31/05/21  Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Robert Postlethwaite Mr Robert Postlethwaite: A tribunal has reprimanded a registered psychologist and placed a condition on his registration after he failed to hold appropriate professional indemnity insurance and made false declarations at renewal and audit. Read the news item
26/05/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Gardner
Ms Lesley-Ann Gardner: A tribunal has cancelled an enrolled nurse’s registration after she engaged in violent conduct in a public place. Read the news item.
24/05/21 Medical Board Ahmed Kamil Mohamed Cassim v Medical Board of Australia  Dr Ahmed Kamil Mohamed Cassim: A tribunal has upheld a previous immediate action decision to suspend a practitioner charged with sexually assaulting three patients. Read the news item.

21/05/21 Pharmacy Board BMS v Pharmacy Board of Australia
BMS: a pharmacist has had conditions removed after an appeal. Read the decision on the Austlii website.
20/05/21 Optometry Board  Ahpra v Jeremy Chan Jeremy Chan: A NSW Local Court has fined an optometrist who continued to practise after his registration lapsed. Read the news item.
19/05/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Harris Ms Jasmine Harris: A tribunal has ordered that a nurse’s registration be cancelled after she misappropriated fentanyl from her workplace. Read the news item.
11/05/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Lovett Ms Kathryn Lovett: A tribunal has ordered that a former nurse be reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for two years for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
11/05/21 Optometry Board Optometry Board of Australia v Bhoola Mr Ashok Bhoola: The Supreme Court of SA has extended the disqualification period of an Adelaide optometrist from one to five years after he altered patient sight tests on 410 occasions without clinical justification. Read the news item.
10/05/21 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Brideson Ms Marilyn Brideson: A tribunal has reprimanded a psychologist and prohibited her from providing any mental health, psychological or counselling services for three years after finding the practitioner’s boundary violations with a patient and failure to provide adequate psychological services amounted to professional misconduct. Read the news item.
06/05/21  Medical Board Pradeep Hanumantha Rao v Medical Board of Australia  Dr Pradeep Hanumantha Rao:  A tribunal has set aside the decision of the Medical Board of Australia to impose conditions on the registration of a medical practitioner as a form of immediate action. Read the news item.
Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Sami
Read the tribunal appeal decision on the Austlii website. The Board appealed this decision. On 25 February 2022, the Supreme Court of Victoria ordered that there be leave for appeal and that the appeal is dismissed. Read the Supreme Court appeal.
30/04/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Naderi The death of Ms Dhu in police custody. Read the media release.
21/04/21 Pharmacy Board Ahpra v Albert Young Mr Albert Young: A NSW court has convicted and fined a pharmacist who continued to practise after he was suspended. Read the news item.
19/04/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Soffer Dr Philip Soffer: Medical practitioner suspended for inappropriate prescribing. Read the news item.
16/04/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dr Amaar Alkiaat  Dr Amaar Alkiaat: A medical practitioner has been suspended for two months for profession misconduct for sending inappropriate Facebook messenger communications to a patient. Read the news item.
15/04/21 Dental Board Ahpra v Name not disclosed Name not disclosed: A Western Australian court has fined a dentist who continued to practise after failing to renew her registration. Read the news item.
07/04/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Brown Ms Leanne Brown: A tribunal has ordered that a nurse’s registration be cancelled, and she be disqualified from applying for registration for three years for misappropriating Lignocaine from her workplace. Read the news item.
07/04/21 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Benjamin Ramsey  Mr Benjamin Ramsey:  SA pharmacist who misappropriated medication for his personal use has been suspended and had conditions placed on registration. Read the news item.
26/03/21 Chiropractic Board Chiropractic Board of Australia v Soroush Ebtash  Dr Soroush Ebtash: A tribunal has cancelled a chiropractor’s registration after the tribunal found he engaged in professional misconduct by inappropriately touching five female patients. Read the news item.
18/03/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Roger Bernard Mr Roger Bernard: A tribunal has reprimanded former general practitioner and disqualified him from applying for registration for two years for professional misconduct after holding out a member of his staff as a registered health practitioner when they were not. Read the news item.
17/03/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Thomas Dr Prabakar Rajan Thomas: A former psychiatrist who sexually assaulted a female patient has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for five years. Read the news item.
16/03/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v TGA TGA: A Tribunal has cancelled an enrolled nurse’s registration following his criminal convictions. Read the news item.
12/03/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board or Australia v Edgard Ramirez  Mr Edgard Ramirez: A tribunal has cancelled a nurse’s registration after criminal convictions concerning child abuse material. Read the news item.
05/03/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Paul Thompson Dr Paul Thompson: A medical practitioner who breached professional boundaries by having an intimate personal and sexual relationship with a patient has had his registration suspended by a tribunal. Read the news item.
04/03/21 &
Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Heath Pickett  Health Pickett: A tribunal has found the conduct of a Victorian enrolled nurse constituted professional misconduct after receiving a finding of guilt for sexual assault. Read the news item. 
17/02/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board Ahpra v Name not disclosed Name not disclosed: A court has fined a nurse who continued to practise while suspended. Read the news item.
10/02/21 Psychology Board  Ahpra v Name not disclosed   A Victoria court has convicted a suspended psychologist who continued to practice whilst suspended. Read the news item.
05/02/21 Medical Board  Medical Board or Australia v Arulanandarajah Dr Juviraj Arulanandarajah: A tribunal has reprimanded a general practitioner and suspended his registration for three months for professional misconduct following his earlier criminal conviction for sexually assaulting his friend. Read the news item.
04/02/21  Psychology Board Ahpra v Brian Joseph Hickman Dr Brian Hickman: A suspended psychologist has been convicted and fined by a New South Wales court for holding himself out as a registered psychologist. Read the news item.
25/01/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Bouwer Ms Angela Bouwer: A tribunal has disqualified a nurse from applying for registration for a year after she engaged in an inappropriate relationship with a patient. Read the news item.
22/01/21 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Peter McAllister A GP anesthetist has been reprimanded for a serious lapse in professional standards that amounted to professional misconduct. Read the news item.
20/01/21 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Hoang-Nam Nguyen Mr Hoang-Nam Nguyen: A Perth pharmacist convicted of criminal offences relating to the possession of synthetic cannabinoids with the intent to sell or supply has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had his registration suspended for two years. Read the news item.
06/01/21 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Callos Mr Efren Callos: A tribunal has cancelled a registered nurse’s registration and disqualified him from re-applying until 2022 as a result of him engaging in serious boundary violations with two patients in early 2015. Read the news item.
22/12/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Abdulkadir Ms Ibtisam Abdulkadir: A tribunal has reprimanded an enrolled nurse and prohibited from working in aged-care health services until 22 December 2022, for fraudulently obtaining and using a resident’s credit card details. Read the news item.
22/12/20  Physiotherapy and Osteopathy Boards  Ahpra v Michael Sylvester Dempsey  Mr Michael Sylvester Dempsey: A court has convicted a suspended physiotherapist who held out two unregistered individuals by engaging them and allowing them to work as a physiotherapist and an occupational therapist and provide complex pain management to residents at two aged care facilities in Victoria. Read the news item.
18/12/20  Medical Board Ahpra v Name not disclosed  Name not disclosed: A court has issued a $20,000 fine to a medical practitioner whose registration had lapsed but who continued to undertake cosmetic procedures and surgeries in Melbourne. He was also ordered to pay Ahpra’s costs. Read the news item.  
17/12/20 Physiotherapy Board  Ahpra v  Ieuan Christopher Lakay Mr Ieuan Christopher Lakay: A Western Australian man who held himself out as a physiotherapist while not registered has been convicted by a court and sentenced to 200 hours of community service. Read the news item.
15/12/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Horne Mr Stanley Horne: A nurse who put offensive statements on Facebook has had his registration cancelled by a tribunal for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
10/12/20 Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Jeffrey Wilkinson Jeffrey Wilkinson: A psychologist has been reprimanded and disqualified for 18 months for professional misconduct after he failed to comply with audit and supervision conditions. Read the news item.
10/12/20 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Nigel Farrier Dr Nigel Farrier: A WA general practitioner has been reprimanded and his registration has been suspended for six months for professional misconduct after he acted inappropriately towards a member of staff at a pharmacy. Read the news item.
09/12/20 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Craig McCombe Dr Craig McCombe: A tribunal has reprimanded a general practitioner and imposed conditions on his registration for professional misconduct after he inappropriately prescribed performance enhancing medications. Read the news item.
07/12/20 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Amira Mahboub Dr Amira Mahboub: A tribunal has confirmed a Board decision to impose education and mentoring conditions on a practitioner who failed to comply with the Board’s Code of Conduct. Read the news item.
07/12/20 Dental Board Dental Board of Australia v Priya Bishop
Dr Priya Bishop: A former dentist convicted of fraud has been reprimanded by a tribunal and disqualified from applying for registration for five years. Read the news item
03/12/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Cody Schlink Ms Cody Schlink: A nurse who viewed patient records without authorisation has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had her registration suspended for four months. Read the news item.
01/12/20  Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Barca Ms Jennifer Barca: A pharmacist who dispensed medication in an unsafe dosage has been reprimanded by a tribunal and ordered to do more education. Read the news item. 
30/11/20  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Herzog Natalya Herzog: A nurse from South Australia has been reprimanded, had her registration cancelled and been disqualified from applying for registration as a registered health practitioner for six months for professional misconduct concerning a stolen prescription pad and forged prescriptions. Read the news item.
26/11/20 Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Susana Martin Dr Susana Martin: A clinical psychologist has been suspended for 18 months for professional misconduct after having an inappropriate sexual relationship with a client. Read the news item.
23/11/20 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Peter Choon Lim  Dr Peter Choon Lim: A general practitioner has been reprimanded and disqualified for nine months for inappropriate prescribing and failure to provide adequate healthcare. Read the news item.
11/11/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Freeman Mr George Alexander Freeman: A tribunal has cancelled an enrolled nurse’s registration and disqualified him from reapplying for 15 years following his criminal conviction for attempted murder. Read the news item.
29/10/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Findlay Ms Beth Helania Arielle Findlay: A tribunal has suspended a nurse’s registration for six months after she took a prescription pad from her employer and forged a prescription. Read the news item.
22/10/20 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Ash Read the decision on the Austlii website.
22/10/20  Dental Board  Dental Board v Katarzyna Parker  Dr Katarzyna Parker: A Western Australian dentist has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had conditions imposed on her registration after she admitted engaging in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
21/10/20  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Singh Dr Bhagwant Singh: A tribunal has cancelled a medical practitioner’s registration for arranging a non-registered person to issue prescriptions to patients in the doctor’s name, while he was overseas. Read the news item.
07/10/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Maher Ms Ashlie Maher: A tribunal has disqualified a former registered nurse from applying for registration for six months for professional misconduct concerning criminal convictions and contraventions of obligations under the National Law. Read the news item.
07/10/20 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Chamari Rasika Denuwanthe Liyanage Chamari Rasika Denuwanthe Liyanage: A medical practitioner convicted of manslaughter has been disqualified by a tribunal from applying for registration for five years. Read the news item.
28/09/20 Medical Board  Medical Board v Dr Christopher Moschou Dr Christopher Moschou: A tribunal has suspended a general practitioner for nine months for professional misconduct after he inappropriately prescribed peptides and other substances. Read the news item.
16/09/20  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v  Hissey Ms Margaret Hissey: A nurse has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had her registration cancelled for professional misconduct. Read the news item
10/09/20 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Syed Islam Dr Syed Islam: A tribunal has reprimanded and disqualified a medical practitioner from applying for registration after he inappropriately prescribed medications and was dishonest with the Medical Board. Read the news item.
03/09/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Ahpra v Melissa Madex
Ms Melissa Madex: A South Australian woman who falsely claimed to be a registered nurse was convicted and fined $3500 and ordered to pay Ahpra’s costs. Read the media release.
28/08/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Ruvimbo Fellowes
Ruvimbo Fellowes: An enrolled nurse has been reprimanded for professional misconduct for falsifying documentation to support an application for a skilled migration visa. Read the news item.
25/08/20 Dental Board  Dental Board of Australia v Justin Quan Yew Soon Dr Justin Soon: A dentist has been reprimanded after a tribunal found that he performed a procedure for which he did not have sufficient expertise or experience. Read the news item.
17/08/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Anderson

Mr Gary Anderson: A tribunal has suspended a registered nurse’s registration for three months for professional misconduct after he dragged an elderly patient who had been diagnosed with dementia to her room. Read the news item.

11/08/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Edwards

Ms Sheryl Lee Edwards: A tribunal has disqualified a former registered nurse from applying for registration for three years for professional misconduct concerning misappropriated drugs. Read the news item.
11/08/20 Medical Board Christopher Nowlan v Medical Board of Australia Mr Christopher Nowlan: A tribunal has confirmed a decision by the Medical Board of Australia to refuse to grant provisional registration as a medical practitioner because he does not hold an approved qualification. Read the news item.
10/08/20 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dr Meng How (Stephen) Leow Dr Meng How (Stephen) Leow: A tribunal has reprimanded a general practitioner, suspended his registration for six months, imposed conditions on his registration and ordered him to pay Ahpra’s costs for inappropriate prescribing and failure to give adequate healthcare. Read the news item.
06/08/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Adam

Mrs Emily Victoria Adam: A tribunal has suspended an enrolled nurse’s registration for three months for professional misconduct concerning an improper relationship with a patient. Read the news item.

24/07/20 & 22/06/20  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Murphy Dr Graeme Murphy: A tribunal has cancelled a GP’s registration for breaching the conditions on his registration. Read the news item.
17/07/20 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board v Lockyer
Ms Amorette Lockyer: An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner has been suspended for four months and had conditions imposed on her registration for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
15/07/20 & 26/06/20  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Vucinic Dr Richard Vucinic: A tribunal has cancelled a general practitioner’s registration for excessive prescribing of drugs of dependence. Read the news item.
07/07/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Jessica Middleton  Jessica Middleton: A nurse has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had her registration cancelled for an inappropriate relationship with a patient. Read the news item.
03/07/20 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v John Stanley Whiteside Dr John Whiteside: A tribunal has reprimanded and disqualified a medical practitioner from applying for registration for three years for engaging in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
02/07/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Christopher Welsh Mr Christopher Welsh: A nurse has been reprimanded and education and mentoring conditions imposed on registration for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
30/06/20 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v John Chibanda   Mr John Chibanda: A court has dismissed an application to appeal a decision of the Supreme Court relating to a 2010 outcome. Read the news item
26/06/20 Pharmacy Board  Fall v Pharmacy Board of Australia  Ms Michelle Kathleen Fall: A tribunal has reprimanded a pharmacist for self-dispensing without valid prescriptions. Read the news item
19/06/20 Pharmacy Board  Pharmacy Board of Australia v Soong  Mr Soong: A pharmacist charged with a range of serious drug offences has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for three years after a tribunal finding of professional misconduct. Read the news item.
10/06/20 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v P  A pharmacist has been reprimanded and disqualified for three years for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
04/06/20 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Al Raheb  Dr Eiman Al Raheb: A tribunal has reprimanded a general practitioner and imposed conditions on her registration for professional misconduct in relation to the way in which she operated her home-based clinic. Read the news item.
28/05/20 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Brian House
Dr Brian House: disqualified for two years for professional misconduct for having breached conditions placed on his registration. Read the news item.
27/05/20  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Grant Burrows

Mr Grant Burrows: A nurse has had his registration cancelled and been disqualified from applying for registration for four years for professional misconduct. Read the news item.

27/05/20 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Dr Sook Ng  Dr Sook Ng: A Tribunal has reprimanded a medical practitioner, imposed conditions on her registration and ordered her to pay Ahpra’s costs after she failed to comply with conditions on her registration which required her to attend for urine drug screening. Read the news item
26/05/20  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Lee Dr Conway Lee: A medical practitioner's registration has been cancelled for professional boundary violations and he was disqualified from applying for registration for six years. Read the new item.
26/05/20  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Christopher Bradshaw Dr Christoper Bradshaw: A Victorian doctor has had his registration cancelled until 2025 following findings of sexual misconduct and inappropriately prescribing drugs of dependence. Read the news item
19/05/20  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Mario Athinodorou Dr Mario Athinodorou: A tribunal has cancelled a practitioner's registration  following multiple findings of breaches of professional boundaries and sexual misconduct. Read the news item
14/05/20 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Lehr  Dr Jason Lehr: A tribunal has disqualified a medical practitioner for harassment. Read the news item.
13/05/20 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Meulblok Ms Meulblok: A psychologist has been disqualified and prohibited after a tribunal finding of professional misconduct relating to boundary violations. Read the news item.
11/05/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Ahpra v Helena Heaft
Ms Helena Heaft: A South Australian woman who continued to work as a nurse in aged care after her registration was suspended was resentenced after an appeal by lodged by Ahpra to 80 hours of community service. Read the media release.
Dental Board
Dental Board v Maria Trijo
Dr Maria Trijo: A tribunal in Victoria has suspended a dentist’s registration after finding she engaged in professional misconduct regarding her examination and treatment of five patients with intellectual disabilities. Read the news item.
06/05/20  Chinese Medicine Board  Chinese Medicine Board of Australia v Zhou Dong Zhou: A Chinese medicine practitioner convicted of raping a patient has been disqualified by a tribunal from applying for registration for 15 years. Read the news item.
06/05/20 Psychology Board Pardo v Psychology Board of Australia
Ms Nadira Pardo: A tribunal upholds the Board’s decision to grant provisional registration with conditions rather than general registration. Read the news item.
06/05/20 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Tunbridge Mr Peter Tunbridge: A former general practitioner was reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for two years for professional misconduct related to inappropriate prescribing. Read the news item.
28/04/20  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v D'Hotman De Villiers Dr Robert Arthur D’Hotman De Villiers: A tribunal has imposed conditions on the registration of a medical practitioner which restricts him from performing certain surgical procedures. Read the news item. 
24/04/20 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Panegyres
Dr Peter Panegyres: A medical practitioner has been reprimanded and fined $20,000 for unprofessional conduct. Read the news item.
23/04/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Gardner v Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia  Mr Paul Gardner: A tribunal found it necessary to take immediate action to suspend a nurse’s registration due to allegations that he assaulted an aged care resident. Read the news item.
15/04/20  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Paterson  Ms Tracy Paterson: A former nurse has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for 15 years by a tribunal for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
14/04/20 Pharmacy Board  Pharmacy Board of Australia v Nguyen Mr Andrew Nguyen: A pharmacist has been suspended after a tribunal finding of professional misconduct, for conduct described as a ‘fundamental failure of responsibility’. Read the news item.
09/04/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v  Johnson Ms Rita Adenike Johnson: A tribunal has reprimanded a registered nurse and ordered that conditions be imposed on her registration after she showed colleagues a distressing video of child abuse on her mobile phone. Read the news item.
06/04/20 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Sayeed Dr Sarmin Sayeed: A medical practitioner has been reprimanded, suspended for three months and had conditions placed on her registration for inappropriate prescribing. Read the news item.
17/03/20 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Panda  Mr Panda: Medical practitioner disqualified for 10 years for professional misconduct after being convicted of indecent and unlawful assault. Read the news item
12/03/20 Dental Board AHPRA v Majid Rahebi

AHPRA v Shirin Ramezani Kharavani
Ms Shirin Kharavani and Mr Rahebi were convicted of a number of charges under the National Law after representing that they were dentists to a patient. After applying an anaesthetic they drilled out a filling in the patient’s tooth and applied a temporary filling, severely damaging the tooth. Mr Rahebi was fined the maximum penalty of $30,000 for the restricted dental act and $8,000 for the charge of falsely representing he was a dentist. Ms Kharavani was fined $20,000.00 for the restricted dental act and $2,500.00 for each of the charges of falsely representing she and Mr Rahebi were dentists. Both offenders were ordered to pay the victim compensation and Ahpra's costs. Read the news item.
28/02/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Ballarto

Ms Kristeena Ballarto: A tribunal has suspended a nurse for transgressing professional boundaries with a patient over text messages. Read the news item.

19/02/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v  Smith Ms Suzanne Smith: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse after she physically abused a patient. Read the news item.
12/02/20 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board v GMR GMR: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse and suspended him for one month following an assault on his teenage daughter in the family home. Read the news item.
05/02/20 Podiatry Board Podiatry Board of Australia v Lawson  Mr Philip Lawson: A podiatrist has been disqualified for transgressing professional boundaries. Read the news item.
05/02/20 Physiotherapy Board Physiotherapy Board of Australia v Hapel  Mr Christopher Hapel: Physiotherapist disqualified for forging prescriptions and reprimanded for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
31/01/20 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v White  Ms Melissa White: A registered psychologist has been reprimanded, suspended and conditions placed on her registration after she was found to have engaged in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
31/01/20 Medical Board AHPRA v Panayiotis Marlassi-Bouras
Mr Marlassi-Bouras was convicted on six counts of falsely claiming to be a medical practitioner when he was not registered. He provided two individuals with a business card that described him as a medical practitioner. Mr Marlassi-Bouras also advised one of the pair to stop taking her epilepsy medication. He was fined $10,000 and ordered to pay costs. Read the news item.
28/01/20 Dental Board AHPRA v Eduardo Penques
Mr Eduardo Soares Penques was convicted of holding himself out as a dentist and carrying out restricted dental acts from a makeshift dental clinic whilst a temporary Australian resident. He was fined $16,500 and ordered to pay costs. Read the news item.

Nursing and Midwifery Board

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Lakicevic
Mr Veljko Lakicevic: A tribunal has reprimanded a registered nurse and placed conditions on his registration after he made inappropriate comments to two graduate nurses under his supervision. Read the news item.
23/12/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board Ahpra v Helena Heaft  Ms Helena Heaft: A South Australian woman who continued to work as a nurse in aged care after her registration was suspended has been convicted of all 66 charges. Read the media release.
20/12/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board v DDN DDN: A tribunal has reprimanded a former nurse who misappropriated medications during a period of serious mental health issues. Read the news item
19/12/19 Chiropractic Board
Chiropractic Board of Australia v Adrian Oorloff
Adrian Oorloff: A chiropractor has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for eight years for serious criminal offending. Read the news item.
04/12/19 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Al-Naser  Dr Nathem Al-Naser: A tribunal found it necessary to take immediate action to impose gender-based restrictions on a general practitioner from Canberra and restrict him to practicing at approved locations. Read the news item
04/12/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Al-Naser  Dr Nathem Al-Naser: A tribunal has suspended a general practitioner from Canberra for professional misconduct following his inadequate treatment of a patient. Read the news item.
04/12/19 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Wei Xiong Xie  Dr Wei Xiong Xie: General practitioner reprimanded for prescribing excessive amounts of testosterone. Read the news item
03/12/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Hasler  Ms Natalie Hasler: A tribunal has disqualified a former registered nurse from applying for registration for six months after she admitted making false declarations in registration renewal applications. Read the news item.
29/11/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v a practitioner A practitioner: A tribunal has reprimanded a registered nurse and ordered conditions be placed on his registration after he admitted to misappropriating medication from his workplace for personal use. Read the news item.
27/11/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v  QFZ QFZ: A tribunal has reprimanded a former enrolled nurse for professional misconduct concerning theft. Read the news item.
26/11/19 Chiropractic Board Chiropractic Board of Australia v Ian Northeast  Mr Ian Northeast: A tribunal has found that a Victorian chiropractor engaged in professional misconduct by practicing as a chiropractor without professional indemnity insurance. Read the news item.
21/11/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Scott McLennan  Mr Scott McLennan: A New South Wales man has been convicted and fined for falsely presenting himself and a nurse while working at a Western Australian cosmetic clinic. He was convicted on two counts of holding himself out. Read the news item.
14/11/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board
Nursing and Midwifery Board v Konstantin Bezmylov   Mr Konstantin Bezmylov: A tribunal has disqualified a nurse for two and a half years for criminal conduct and working under the influence of illicit drugs. Read the news item.
12/11/19 Dental Board Dental Board of Australia v Mario Cavallaro  Dr Mario Cavallaro: The State Administrative Tribunal has found that a Western Australian dentist engaged in professional misconduct by practicing as a dentist without appropriate professional indemnity insurance. Read the news item
25/10/19  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Dr POS Dr POS: Medical practitioner reprimanded and had conditions imposed on her registration for falsifying medical certificates. Read the news item.
24/10/19 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v  Huynh Ngo Mr Hunyh Ngo: Pharmacist reprimanded and fined for stealing and supplying a prescription. Read the news item.
21/10/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Graham Barrett  Dr Graham Barrett: A tribunal has reprimanded and imposed educational conditions on the registration of a medical practitioner for professional misconduct for treating a patient at his home and providing her with multiple take away doses of ketamine to self-administer. Read the news item.
18/10/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Rankine  Ms Diosa Rankine: A tribunal has disqualified a former enrolled nurse from applying for registration for eight years for professional misconduct, including filming a distressed dementia patient and sharing the video with her partner and a friend. Read the news item.
18/10/19  Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Darryl Menaglio Dr Darryl Menaglio: A tribunal has reprimanded and fined a psychologist and imposed a condition on his registration for engaging in professional misconduct. Read the news item
15/10/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Al-Naser  Dr Nathem Al-Naser: A medical practitioner from Canberra had conditions placed on his registration after he failed to obtain adequate informed consent, failed to adequately document a consultation and procedure, and failed to provide adequate follow up care. Read the news item
11/10/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Onsy Hanna  Dr Osny Hanna: A medical practitioner has been reprimanded and had conditions placed on his registration for professional misconduct in prescribing testosterone. Read the news item.
07/10/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Peter David Hide  Mr Peter David Hide: A tribunal has disqualified a former nurse from applying for registration for six months following criminal convictions concerning drug trafficking. Read the news item.
02/10/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Sedgman  Mr Stephen Sedgman: A tribunal has cancelled an enrolled nurse’s registration and disqualified him from reapplying for registration for five years after he had a sexual relationship with a vulnerable patient. Read the news item.
01/10/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Rex Willox  Mr Rex Willox: A tribunal has disqualified a former enrolled nurse from applying for registration for eight years after he behaved in a threatening manner towards his colleagues, investigators and his neighbours. Read the news item
30/09/19 Medical Board Tasmanian Board of the Medical Board of Australia v Dr Jane Tolman  Dr Jane Tolman: A tribunal has rejected an appeal by Dr Jane Tolman against a panel's decision to reprimand her and impose 23 conditions on her registration for unsatisfactory professional performance in relation to her treatment of 12 aged care patients. Read the news item.
25/09/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Robert Pannell  Mr Robert Pannell: A tribunal has disqualified a former nurse from applying for registration for six months following criminal convictions concerning drug trafficking. Read the news item
24/09/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Kumar Ms Abha Kumar: A tribunal has disqualified a nurse from re-applying for registration or working in aged care for five years after she over-involved herself in an elderly patient’s affairs and benefitted from his will. Read the news item.
20/09/19 Medical Board 
Medical Board of Australia v Dr Christopher Watts 
Dr Watts: A general practitioner has been reprimanded, suspended and had conditions imposed on his registration for prescribing opiates and benzodiazepines inappropriately and excessively to eight patients over a period of years. Read the media release.
16/09/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Bryan Min Han Soh  Dr Bryan Soh: Medical practitioner reprimanded and has conditions imposed on his registration for plagiarism and falsifying examination results. Read the news item.
13/09/19 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Tzin-Siu Ang Ms Tzin-Siu Ang: Pharmacist suspended and had conditions placed on her registration for supplying excessive quantities of testosterone. Read the news item.
03/09/19 Chiropractic Board Chiropractic Board of Australia v Knowles  Dr David Knowles: The Victorian tribunal found a chiropractor guilty of misconduct reprimanded and fined him and placed conditions on his registration. Read the news item.
27/08/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing Midwifery Board of Australia v Felicia Mallett  Ms Felicia Mallett: A tribunal has disqualified a former enrolled nurse from applying for registration for one year after she misappropriated drugs from her workplace and made several false entries in the relevant drug register. Read the news item.
27/08/19 Pharmacy Board  Pharmacy Board of Australia v Brewster  Mr David Brewster: A registered pharmacist has been reprimanded and was disqualified for a period when it was found he had engaged in professional misconduct importing medications not registered in Australia. Read the news item.
18/07/19 Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Eva Vaszolyi Dr Eva Vaszolyi: A tribunal has affirmed the Psychology Board of Australia’s decision to refuse to remove conditions from a psychologist’s registration. Read the news item.
18/07/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Soloman  Dr Edward Bebawy Soloman: A medical practitioner has been reprimanded and fined $10,000 after a tribunal found he failed to provide adequate supervision of an international medical graduate (IMG). Read the news item.
10/07/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Darren Sanger
Mr Darren Sanger: A registered nurse has been reprimanded and disqualified from registration for one year after being found to have engaged in professional misconduct for falsifying prescriptions. Read the media release.
04/07/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Shaun Rathnayake Dr Shaun Rathnayake: A tribunal has suspended the registration of a Victoria medical practitioner after he engaged in personal and intimate relation with a patient. Read the news item
04/08/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board  AHPRA v Brittany Fairthorne
Ms Brittany Fairthorne was convicted on a guilty plea of two counts of holding herself out as a registered nurse and two counts of providing false information to an AHPRA inspector. She was fined a total of $15,000 and ordered to pay costs. Read the news item.
26/06/19  Dental Board Dental Board of Australia v Desmond Worboys Desmond Worboys: A former Northern Territory dentist has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration until 1 July 2020 for professional misconduct relating to inappropriate prescribing. Read the news item.
11/06/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Ian Holten Dr Ian Holten: A Victorian plastic surgeon has been suspended for three months for having sexual intercourse with a vulnerable patient. Read the news item
31/05/19 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Roychowdhury 

Dr Dev Roychowdhury: The ACT tribunal has found a psychologist guilty of professional misconduct, cancelled his registration and banned him from applying for registration until 7 February 2022. Read the news item.

28/05/19 Dental Board Dental Board of Australia v Creighton Dr Barry Creighton: A tribunal has reprimanded a dentist who sedated a patient for an extended length of time and practised outside of his scope of practice. Read the news item.
28/05/19 Podiatry Board AHPRA v The Running Clinic (Australia) Pty. Limited (t/a Sydney Heel Clinic and Heel Treatment Clinic)
The Running Clinic (Australia) Pty. Limited (t/a Sydney Heel Clinic and Heel Treatment Clinic) pleaded guilty to ten charges of false, misleading and deceptive advertising and encouraging unnecessary use of regulated health services in relation to podiatry services on several of its websites and Facebook page. The company was fined $30,600 and ordered to pay costs. Read the news item.
27/05/19  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v James Ayodele Ogundipe  Dr James Ayodele Ogundipe: A specialist GP has been reprimanded and had his registration suspended for 15 months after a tribunal found he had engaged in sexual relationship with a patient. Read the news item
22/05/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Luke Ainsworth

Dr Luke Ainsworth: A Victorian tribunal has found a psychiatrist who had a relationship with his patient guilty of professional misconduct and unprofessional conduct and disqualified him from applying for registration until December 2019. Read the news item.

13/05/19   Occupational Therapy Board Occupational Therapy Board of Australia v Katherine Jenkins  Ms Katherine Jenkins: A tribunal has found the behaviour of a Western Australian occupational therapist constitutes professional misconduct after she was charged with the intention to create a false belief. Read the news item
10/05/19 Psychology Board  Psychology Board v Mark Sweeney Mr Mark Sweeney: A former registered psychologist has been disqualified from applying for registration for a period of one month for professional misconduct. A tribunal found Mr Sweeney had deliberately provided false and misleading to the regulator about to an allegation of an inappropriate relationship. Read the news item. 
07/05/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Hindley  Mr Allan Hindley: A tribunal has disqualified a former nurse from applying for registration for two years for accessing child exploitation material. Read the news item.
01/05/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Valerie Cole Dr Valerie Cole: A specialist general practitioner from Queensland has been reprimanded and had conditions placed on her registration after failing to disclose a conflict of interest when she involved a patient in a business from which the doctor benefited financially. Read the news item.
30/04/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Aminah Simone Altaf Dr Aminah Simone Altaf: A West Australian tribunal has found a general practitioner engaged in professional misconduct and ordered that she be reprimanded and conditions be imposed on her registration for inadequate patient management and inappropriate prescribing of opioids. Read the news item.
30/04/19 Physiotherapy Board AHPRA v Michael Sylvester Dempsey  Mr Michael Sylvester Dempsey: A Tasmanian court has imposed the largest fine against an individual for offences under the National Law in Australia with the conviction of a suspended physiotherapist for holding out. Read the media release
29/04/19  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Gaur Dr Shipra Gaur: A medical practitioner with specialist registration in obstetrics and gynaecology has been reprimanded and had conditions imposed on her registration for unprofessional conduct in relation to her management of a patient’s care. Read the news item
18/04/19  Pharmacy Board 

AHPRA v Michael Simon 

Mr Michael Simon: A New South Wales Court has convicted and fined a man for holding himself out as a registered pharmacist following charges laid by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Read the media release.
16/04/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Christopher Kwan Chen Lee Dr Christopher Kwan Chen Lee: A medical practitioner has been suspended by a tribunal for professional misconduct following comments her made on online internet forums and chat sites. Read the news item
12/04/19 Dental Board  Dental Board of Australia v Sarah Matthews  Ms Sarah Matthews: A Victorian woman has been convicted in a New South Wales Court for charges laid by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Read the news item.
08/04/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Jones  Ms Joy Jones: A tribunal has cancelled a midwife's registration after she had made false declarations about meeting the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Recency of practice registration standard. Read the news item.
02/04/19 Pharmacy Board  Pharmacy Board of Australia v Hoang-Nam Nguyen  A registered pharmacist has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for six months for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
28/03/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Anish Singh  Mr Anish Singh: The Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal lodged by a specialist physician. Read the news item
27/03/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Yusuf Bhamjee  Dr Yusuf Bhamjee: Medical practitioner reprimanded for practising without professional indemnity insurance. Read the news item.
27/03/19  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v DEL  A specialist general practitioner has been reprimanded, suspended for six months for professional misconduct and had education and mentoring conditions placed on her registration after a tribunal found she had engaged in an inappropriate personal and sexual relationship. Read the news item
27/03/19 Chinese Medicine Board Chinese Medicine Board of Australia v Qi Xin Chen  Mr Qi Xin Chen: A New South Wales Chinese medicine practitioner has successfully appealed against the severity of his sentence for unlawful advertising of a regulated health service. Read the news item.
27/03/19 Pharmacy Board  AHPRA v David Le  Mr David Le was convicted on a guilty plea to holding himself out as a registered pharmacist over the course of a year while he was suspended. He was fined $24,500 and ordered to pay costs. Read the news item.
22/03/19  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Mura  Mr Andrew Mura: A tribunal has cancelled a nurse's registration for professional misconduct concerning criminal convictions and practicing while intoxicated. Read the news item.
21/03/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Kasey Hyams  Ms Kasey Hyams: A tribunal has reprimanded a former nurse for professional misconduct concerning medication administration. Read the news item
20/03/19 Medical Board Name not disclosed v Medical Board of Australia  Name not disclosed: A tribunal has maintained conditions imposed on a medical practitioner's registration which prevent the practitioner from providing treatment to family members except in emergencies. Read the news item.
13/03/19 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dilip Dhillon  Dr Dilip Dhillon: A medical practitioner has been disqualified after being convicted of criminal offences, breaching conditions on his registration and engaging in inapporiate billing. Read the news item
06/03/19 Psychology Board AHPRA v David Citer Mr David Citer: A counsellor has pleaded guilty to charges filed by AHPRA that he claimed to be a registered psychologist and unlawfully used the protected title 'psychologist'. Read the media release.
02/03/19 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Ian Wood  Dr Ian Wood: A tribunal has disqualified a medical practitioner from applying for registration for six months after finding he behaved in a way that constitutes professional misconduct. Read the news item
08/02/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Fernandez Ms Michelle Fernandez: A tribunal has disqualified a former nurse from applying for registration for two years following her conviction for unlawful wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Read the news item.
20/02/18 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dr Daryl Alan Stephens Dr Daryl Alan Stephens: A medical practitioner has been reprimanded and fined after admitting to engaging in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
13/02/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Stacey Jane Gaffney  Ms Stacey Jane Gaffney: A tribunal has disqualified a former enrolled nurse from applying for registration for four and a half years for professional misconduct concerning criminal conduct. Read the news item
29/01/19 Psychology Board   Psychology Board of Australia v Vesela Popovski  Ms Vesela Popovski: A former psychologist who had an inappropriate relationship with a patient, and deceived the Psychology Board in the subsequent investigation, has been reprimanded by a tribunal and disqualified from applying for registration for three years. Read the news item
21/12/18  Dental Board  Dental Board of Australia v Vinoth Arumugam  Dr Vinoth Arumugam: A dental practitioner has been reprimanded for professional misconduct, ordered to undergo further education and supervised practice, for not being properly qualified through training or experience to perform a complex procedure. Read the news item.
19/12/19 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board v Jennifer Cassidy  Ms Jennifer Cassidy: A registered nurse has been reprimanded and suspended for 18 months after she admitted to engaging in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
18/12/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board Siham Walton v Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Ms Siham Walton: A tribunal has maintained conditions imposed by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) on an enrolled nurse's registration requiring her to undertake an NMBA-approved re-entry course. Read the news item.
14/12/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Nofoasaefa  Mr Lealofianna Nofoasaefa: A tribunal has disqualified a nurse from applying for registration for professional misconduct following an unnecessary and inappropriate physical examination of a patient. Read the news item.
12/12/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Hutchinson  Mr James Hutchinson: A tribunal has disqualified a former nurse from applying for registration for six years for knowingly possessing child pornography (now called child abuse material). Read the news item
03/12/18 Occupational Therapy Board  Occupational Therapy Board of Australia v Ricardo Cornelio  A previously registered occupational therapist has been reprimanded by a tribunal after being found to have engaged in professional misconduct when forging his supervisor’s signature. Read the news item
29/11/18 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Ainslie James Hay Wadell Dr Ainslie James Hay Waddell: A medical practioners was reprimanded for unlawfully prescribing schedule 8 medicine. Read the news item.
19/11/18 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Ms Sara Shadi Kazeme  Ms Sara Shadi Kazeme. A pharmacist convicted of drug theft was reprimanded and had her provisional registration cancelled by a tribunal for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
19/11/18 Medical Board  Medical Board v Roger Bernard  Mr Roger Bernard was convicted on a guilty plea to recklessly claiming a staff member was a medical practitioner when she was not. He was fined $16,500. Read the news item.
01/11/18  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Kenneth Charles Lee Dr Kenneth Charles Lee: A medical practitioner has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had conditions placed on his registration for self-prescribing medication, prescribing in the name of his partner (at the time) for personal consumption and for prescribing for his partner. Read the news item.
31/10/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Natalie Susan Stoksik  Ms Natalie Susan Stoksik: The State Administrative Tribunal in Western Australia (tribunal) has reprimanded a nurse and disqualified her from applying for registration for 12 months for breaching conditions on her registration. Read the news item.
30/10/18 & 16/08/18  Medical Board  Medical Board v Abhijit Basu Dr Abhijit Basu: A specialist obstetrician has been reprimanded, fined $25,000 and had his registration suspended for two months for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
29/10/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board v Tracey Anne Margaret Everett  Ms Tracey Everett: A tribunal has cancelled a nurse's registration for professional misconduct and disqualified her from re-applying for two years after she kept money paid by patients for vaccines. Read the news item.
29/10/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Sobey  Ms Denise Sobey: A tribunal has reprimanded a former nurse and disqualified her from applying for registration for two years for professional misconduct. Read the news item
29/10/18 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Anatole John Hudson Mr Anatole John Hudson: A tribunal has suspended psychologist Mr Anatole John Hudson for professional misconduct for failing to maintain professional boundaries. Read the news item.
26/10/18 Dental Board  AHPRA v MJ Dental Care Pty Ltd  MJ Dental Care Pty Ltd was charged with falsely representing Mr Majid Rahebi as authorised or qualified to practise as a dentist. The company was fined $11,250. Read the news item.
26/10/18 Dental Board  AHPRA v Majid Rahebi  Mr Majid Rahebi was convicted and fined $11,250 for falsely representing that he was authorised or qualified to practise as a dentist and $18,750 for performing restricted dental acts. He was also ordered to pay costs. Read the news item.
19/10/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Mercy Buranda Miruka Ms Mercy Buranda Miruka: A tribunal has suspended a nurse's registration for seven months after she admitted to falsifying documents to try to gain employment. Read the news item.
19/10/18 Dental Board  Dental Board of Australia v Randeep Singh Dhillon  Mr Randeep Singh Dhillon: The tribunal has disqualified an already disqualified former dental practitioner for an additional three years after it found he had engaged in professional misconduct after being found guilty of fraud while he was a practising dental practitioner. Read the news item.
12/10/18  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Nicholas Sevdalis Dr Nicholas Sevdalis: A specialist general practitioner has been reprimanded and suspended for six months for professional misconduct after a tribunal found he had inappropriately provided care to family members and his clinical management of 23 patients was not clinically justified and exposed patients to potential harm. Read the news item.
04/10/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Blair Douglas Sudell Mr Blair Douglas Sudell: A tribunal has reprimanded a former nurse and disqualified him from holding registration for four years after he was convicted of serious criminal offences. Read the news item.
27/09/18  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Carol Pearce Dr Carol Pearce: The State Administrative Tribunal in Western Australia (tribunal) has suspended a medical practitioner for four months for professional misconduct. Read the news item
04/09/18  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Fisher  A nurse was reprimanded by a tribunal and had their registration cancelled for professional misconduct relation to breaches of conditions, theft and attempts to obtain prescription medicine by deception. Read the news item 
30/08/18 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Oliver Dziubak Mr Oliver Dziubak: A registered pharmacist has been reprimanded after he admitted that he had engaged in professional misconduct. 
27/08/18  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Amanda Finlay Ms Amanda Finlay: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse and imposed conditions on her registration for multiple departures from accepted standards of practice, which taken together amounted to professional misconduct. Read the news item
22/08/18 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Lex Wallis  Mr Wallis:  A pharmacist has been disqualified from re-applying for registration for six months after he admitted to professional misconduct. Read the news iterm.
20/08/18 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v John Whiteside Dr John Whiteside: A medical practitioner is suspended for professional misconduct following his inadequate treatment of several patients. Read the news item.
13/08/18 Medical Board  AHPRA v Artemedica  Artemedica Pty Ltd plead guilty to three charges of knowingly or recklessly holding out Mr Raffaele Di Paolo, the sole director and shareholder, as a registered health practitioner. The company was fined $8,000 and ordered to pay costs. Read the news item.
09/08/18 Psychology Board  AHPRA v Marek Jantos  Mr Marek Jantos was convicted of holding out as a registered psychologist and unlawfully using a specialist medical title after his registration had been cancelled. He and his company Behavioural Medicine Institute of Australia Pty Ltd were fined a total of $16,000. Read the news item.
19/07/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Jennifer Michie  Ms Jennifer Michie: The State Administrative Tribunal of Western Australia (tribunal) has reprimanded a nurse and imposed conditions on her registration after she admitted to professional misconduct concerning misappropriated drugs. Read the news item.
12/07/18  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Andrew John Stewart Dr Andrew John Stewart: A tribunal has found a general practitioner had engaged in professional misconduct after practising as a medical practitioner without appropriate professional indemnity insurance (PII) arrangements in place. Read the news item.
10/07/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Bain Ms Rochelle Mary Bain: A tribunal has reprimanded an enrolled nurse and suspended her registration for two years after she admitted to withdrawing cash from a patient's bank card for personal use. Read the news item.
09/07/18  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Neville Goodwin Davis Mr Neville Goodwin Davis: A tribunal has reprimanded a retired Queensland medical practitioner for unsatisfactory conduct for providing care to a child when he was practising. Read the news item
06/07/18 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Cathy Nguyen Ms Cathy Nguyen: Pharmacist reprimanded and disqualified for two months for importing ice pipes. Read the news item.
Medical Board  AHPRA v Raffaele Di Paolo  Mr Raffaele Di Paolo: Raffaele Di Paolo and his company has been successfully prosecuted for further offences under the National Law, with additional fines totaling $28,000. Read the news item.
06/07/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Alfredo Crocetti  Mr Alfredo Crocetti: A tribunal has suspended a nurse for professional misconduct concerning inappropriate conduct towards a student and a patient. Read the news item
03/07/18 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Robin Willcourt Dr Robin Willcourt: A medical practitioner who authorised blood tests for Essendon football players has been reprimanded and fined $7,000 for unprofessional conduct. Read the news item.
 29/06/18 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Dimity Hopkinson  Ms Dimity Hopkinson: A registered pharmacist has been reprimanded and suspended for six months for behaving in a way that constitutes professional misconduct. Read the news item
27/06/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board v Kaur Ms Dilpreet Kaur: A tribunal has upheld the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia's (NMBA) decision to refuse an application for registration as an enrolled nurse (EN), after the applicant appealed the decision. Read the news item.
21/06/18 & 23/05/14  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Neville Raymond Blomeley Mr Neville Raymond Blomeley: A tribunal has disqualified a Queensland medical practitioner for four years for professional misconduct after he had a personal relationship with a patient. Read the news item.
20/06/18 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Alfredo Noches Garcia  Dr Alfredo Noches Garcia: A medical practitioner has been reprimanded and fined $20,000 for professional misconduct following his treatment of two patients. Read the news item.
12/06/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Hawthorne  Ms Barbara Hawthorne: A tribunal has suspended a nurse for four weeks, after she failed to notify the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) of criminal charges and convictions. Read the news item
07/06/18 Dental Board  AHPRA v Edward Lipohar 

Mr Edward Lipohar: A court has convicted a man and fined him $65,000 plus $25,000 in costs for unlawfully claiming to be a dental specialist and performing restricted dental acts on two patients. Read the media release.

01/06/18 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Andrew John Griffiths Dr Andrew John Griffiths: The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (the tribunal) found practitioner Dr Andrew John Griffiths engaged in professional misconduct and unprofessional conduct for inappropriately prescribing and/or providing medical treatment to patients.
Read the news item.
29/05/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Dickinson Mr Barry Dickinson: A tribunal has suspended a nurse for eight months after he admitted to professional misconduct concerning misappropriated drugs. Read the news item.
 25/05/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board v Faulkner Ms Karen Faulkner: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse and placed conditions on her registration for professional misconduct concerning medication administration. Read the news item.
21/05/18  Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Junliang Gary Goh VR24/2018 Mr Junliang Gary Goh: A pharmacist who stole money and goods from his employer has been reprimanded by a tribunal and disqualified from applying for registration for six months. Read the news item
09/05/18 Psychology Board AHPRA v David Citer  Mr David Citer: A court has convicted a counsellor and fined him $9,500 for claiming to be a registered psychologist and providing information to an inspector that was false or misleading. Read the media release.
08/05/18  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Brenda Moyle Ms Brenda Moyle: A tribunal has suspended a nurse for failing to provide agreed chaperoning for a colleague. Read the news item.
20/04/18  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Imad Afram Jaboury  Dr Imad Afram Jaboury: A tribunal has reprimanded a Western Australia surgeon and imposed condition on his registration for professional misconduct relating to his clinical care and decision-making. Read the news item
18/04/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Jessica Anne Schouten

Ms Jessica Anne Schouten: A tribunal has suspended a nurse for four months after she admitted to professional misconduct concerning misappropriated drugs. Read the news item.

08/03/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Taruna Mehta Ms Taruna Mehta: A tribunal has formed a reasonable belief that a nurse restrained a patient in an unacceptable way, but has upheld her appeal against suspension. Read the news item.
14/02/18 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Stephen Hadges Dr Stephen Hadges: A tribunal has suspended a specialist general practitioner, imposed conditions on his registration and reprimanded him for prescribing inappropriately, self-prescribing and prescribing for his own family members. Read the news item.
02/03/18  Pharmacy Board  Pharmacy Board of Australia v Matthew Foster Mr Matthew Foster: A tribunal has reprimanded and disqualified a pharmacist from applying for registration for a period of three years after he admitted to behaving in way that constitutes professional misconduct. Read the news item.
16/02/18 Medical Board Broadbent v Medical Board of Australia Mr Michael Russell Mark Broadbent: A tribunal has struck out an application for a review of a decision by the Medical Board to refuse to register an individual who was previously registered as a medical practitioner. Read the news item.
15/02/18 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board v Michael Man Ho Tse Mr Michael Man Ho Tse: A tribunal has suspended a pharmacist’s registration for two months and ordered him to undertake education in ethics and dispensing, after he was found to have engaged in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
06/02/18 Medical Board  AHPRA v Name not disclosed  Name not disclosed pleaded guilty in relation to charges of holding out as a medical practitioner. She was fined $7,500 and ordered to pay costs of $20,000. No conviction was recorded. Read the news item.
05/02/18  Psychology Board AHPRA v Name not disclosed Name not disclosed: A court in Victoria has fined a man $10,000 for claiming to be a clinical psychologist. Read the news item.
01/02/18 Medical Board AHPRA v Mohamad Anwar Mr Mohamad Anwar: A court has convicted a man and fined him $100,000 for breaching the National Law while suspended. Read the media release.
30/01/18  Chiropractic Board  AHPRA v George Zaphir Mr George Zaphir: A court has convicted a man and fined him $12,000 plus costs for the unlawful use of the protected title 'chiropractor' and holding out as a registered health practitioner. Read the media release.
25/01/18 Psychology Board AHPRA v Name not disclosed A court in Victoria has fined a woman $4,500 plus costs for claiming to be a psychologist. Read the news item.
Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Mohamed Gamel Helmy Dr Mohamed Gamel Helmy: A tribunal has reprimanded a general practitioner from Canberra and imposed conditions, including gender-based restrictions, on his practice. Read the news item.
23/01/18  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v INZ  INZ: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse for professional misconduct after she failed to meet conditions on her registration. Read the news item
23/01/18 Dental Board Dental Board of Australia v Popovski Mr Dragan Popovski: A tribunal in Victoria has increased a dentist's supervision period from 12 to 18 months following his request for a review. Read the news item.
17/01/18 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Helen Mary Godfrey Ms Helen Mary Godfrey: A tribunal has reprimanded a former nurse after she admitted to professional misconduct concerning a criminal conviction. Read the news item.
22/12/17 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Mohd Zulkarnaen Abdul Wahid Mr Mohd Zulkarnaen Abdul Wahid: A tribunal has upheld conditions imposed by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) on a nurse’s registration for a finding of unsatisfactory professional conduct. Read the news item.
20/12/17  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Jane Nicole Trigg Ms Jane Nicole Trigg: A tribunal has disqualified a former nurse from applying for re-registration, after she made false declarations about her criminal history. Read the news item.
15/12/17 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Freeman Dr James Freeman: The Psychology Board of Australia has been ordered to pay Dr Freeman’s costs of the proceedings after dismissing the Board’s referral. Read the news item.
08/12/17 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Munyaradzi Makoni Mr Munyaradzi Makoni: A tribunal has disqualified a former nurse for professional misconduct concerning the transgression of professional boundaries and inappropriate personal relationships with two patients. Read the news item.
01/12/17  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Deborah Gilbert Ms Deborah Gilbert: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse, suspended her registration for two months and imposed conditions on her registration for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
30/11/17 and 18/12/17  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Pralay Mazumdar Dr Pralay Mazumdar: A tribunal has reprimanded and suspended a medical practitioner and imposed conditions on his registration, following convictions for fraudulently obtaining payments. Read the news item.
30/11/17  Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Derya Han Ms Derya Han: A tribunal has refused a woman's application for provisional registration as a psychologist because she did not meet the English language registration standard. Read the news item.
20/11/17  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Jodi Laughlan Ms Jodi Laughlan: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse and suspended her registration for three months for professional misconduct concerning medication administration. Read the news item
07/11/17  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Job Ojo Dr Job Ojo: A tribunal has reprimanded a medical practitioner, suspended his registration for one month and imposed conditions on his registration for failing to maintain professional boundaries. Read the news item.
01/11/17  Chiropractic Board Chiropractic Board of Australia v Matthew Carbery Dr Matthew Carbery: A tribunal has found a chiropractor guilty and reprimanded him for professional misconduct on two counts in relation to failing to maintain professional indemnity insurance. Read the news item.
27/10/17 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Geoffrey Alan Smithson Geoffrey Alan Smithson: A tribunal has reprimanded an enrolled nurse and permanently disqualified him from applying for registration after he admitted to professional misconduct concerning an assault on a patient. Read the news item.
20/10/17 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Mr Julian Norman Grant Kent Mr Julian Norman Grant Kent: A former psychiatrist has been reprimanded, permanently disqualified from applying for registration as a medical practitioner or from providing any health service which use his skills and knowledge as a medical practitioner and ordered to pay $25,000 in costs. Read the news item.
12/10/17  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Bassam Abi Haila  Dr Bassam Abi Haila: A tribunal finds junior doctor Dr Haila guilty of unprofessional conduct for prescribing testosterone and human growth hormone without clinical justification. He was reprimanded and conditions imposed on his registration requiring him to undertake further education and a period of mentoring. Read the news item
05/10/17 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Mr Wijeneka Liyanage Mr Wijeneka Liyanage: A tribunal has cancelled a general practitioner’s registration, disqualified him from reapplying for 21 months and ordered him to pay Board costs for serious and unethical misconduct. Read the news item.
04/10/17 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board v  Sijo Philip Miss Sijo Philip: A tribunal has fined and reprimanded a nurse, and imposed conditions on her registration, after she provided false information in her application for registration. Read the news item.
03/10/17 Medical Board  AHPRA v Wellness Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Australian Male Hormone Clinic  Wellness Enterprises Pty Limited (t/a Australian Male Hormone Clinic), was fined $127,500 plus costs after being found guilty and convicted of 17 charges related to unlawful advertising of testosterone deficiency treatments. Read the news item.
28/09/17 Occupational Therapy Board Occupational Therapy Board of Australia v Ms Jennifer Evelyn Roberts Ms Jennifer Evelyn Roberts: An occupational therapist has been reprimanded, disqualified from applying for registration for six months and ordered to pay a fine of $5,000 after admitting to engaging in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
27/09/17  Psychology Board  AHPRA v Name not disclosed Name not disclosed: A court in Victoria has fined an individual after she treated patients as a psychologist while not registered to do so under the National Law. Read the media release.
26/09/17  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Azhar Bin Amir Hamzah Dr Azhar Bin Amir Hamzah: A medical practitioner has been reprimanded, disqualified from applying for registration for two and a half years and ordered to pay $11,500 in costs after admitting to engaging in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
13/09/17  Medical Board   Medical Board v Daniel Mark Dawson Tucker Dr Daniel Mark Dawson Tucker: A medical practitioner has been reprimanded for professional misconduct for purchasing pharmaceutical products in breach of conditions on his registration. Read the news item
13/09/17 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Ian Keith Singh Wood Dr Ian Keith Singh Wood: A medical practitioner has been disqualified from applying for registration for three years for prescribing benzodiazepines and Schedule 8 medicines to patients without clinical indication. Read the news item
08/09/17 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Genevieve May Milnes Genevieve May Milnes: WA Tribunal reprimands psychologist and suspends registration for a period of 18 months for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
31/08/17  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing Midwifery Board of Australia v Claire Louise Crane Mrs Claire Louise Crane: A tribunal has reprimanded an enrolled nurse and imposed conditions on her registration for engaging in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
25/8/2017 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Suhail Omer Mir Dr Suhail Omer Mir: A medical practitioner convicted of indecent assault has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had his registration suspended.  Read the news item.
24/08/17 Medical Board Al Raheb v Medical Board of Australia [2017] VSC 494 Dr Eiman Al Raheb: On 24 August 2017, the Supreme Court of Victoria dismissed Dr Eiman Al Raheb’s appeal of the Victorian Civil and Administration Tribunal’s decision of 15 May 2017. Read the full decision.
22/08/19 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Mr Richard Hwai Seng Kuan  Mr Richard Hwai Seng Kuan: A medical practitioner found guilty of professional misconduct by understating his income and defrauding the Department of Health. Read the news item
08/09/17  Podiatry Board  Podiatry Board of Australia v Mario da Horta Mr Mario da Horta: The Supreme Court of Western Australia has dismissed an application for judicial review of a decision by the Podiatry Board of Australia to caution a podiatrist. Read the news item.
29/08/17 and 20/06/17 Nursing and Midwifery Board  AHPRA v Names not disclosed Names not disclosed: A Victorian woman has pleaded guilty to claiming to be a registered nurse when she was a student and a second woman has pleaded guilty of supporting her to do so. Read the media release.
22/08/17  Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Okan Balci Mr Okan Balci: A registered pharmacist has been reprimanded after findings of professional misconduct. Read the news item.
17/08/17  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Robin Durston Dr Robin Durston: A tribunal has reprimanded and ordered a medical practitioner to pay a fine after finding he breached conditions on his registration. Read the news item.
10/08/17  Dental Board Pham v Dental Board of Australia (Review and Regulation) Dr Cathy Pham: Tribunal dismisses proceeding brought by a former registered dentist against the Dental Board of Australia relating to her application for registration. Read the news item.
08/08/17  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Jineesh Thomas Mr Jineesh Thomas: A tribunal has reprimanded a registered nurse, cancelled his registration and disqualified him from applying for registration for six months for professional misconduct relating to his conviction for assault. Read the news item.
21/07/17 Physiotherapy Board Physiotherapy Board of Australia v Vanessa Soo Ms Vanessa Soo: The Physiotherapy Board of Australia and AHPRA have successfully prosecuted a South Australian physiotherapist found by a tribunal to be fraudulent and deceptive. Read the media release.
21/07/17  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Christopher John Barnes Mr Christopher John Barnes: A tribunal has cancelled an enrolled nurse's registration for engaging in an improper sexual relationship with a patient's spouse. Read the news item.
18/07/17  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Simone Margaret Morey Ms Simone Margaret Morey: A tribunal has disqualified a former nurse from applying for registration for six months after she admitted to professional misconduct concerning misappropriated drugs. Read the news item.
13/07/17 Chiropractic Board  Chiropractic Board of Australia v Anthony Shanahan Dr Anthony Shanahan: The South Australian Health Tribunal has cancelled a chiropractor's registration and permanently disqualified him from reapplying. Read the media release.
03/07/17  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Oleh Vojevod Kay Dr Oleh Vojevod Kay: A medical practitioner has been reprimanded and had conditions imposed on his registration for behaving in a way that constitutes professional misconduct, by inappropriately prescribing hydromorphone for a patient. Read the news item.
28/06/17 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Azam Dr Muhammad Azam: A tribunal has cancelled the registration of general practitioner Dr Muhammad Azam and disqualified him from re-applying for registration for a period of four years after it was alleged he had failed to maintain appropriate professional boundaries. Read the news item.
27/06/17  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Colin Duncan Dr Colin Duncan: A medical practitioner has been reprimanded and conditions imposed on his registration for behaving in a way that constitutes unprofessional misconduct. Read the news item.
27/06/17  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Mark Schulberg Dr Mark Schulberg: A medical practitioner has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had conditions imposed on his medical registration for behaving in a way that constitutes unprofessional conduct. Read the news item.
26/06/17  Psychology Board Name not disclosed v Psychology Board of Australia (Review and Regulation)  Name not disclosed: A psychologist has successfully appealed a panel’s decision to impose conditions on her registration requiring a six-month supervision period. Read the news item
23/06/17  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Olubukunmi Olubodun Dr Olubukunmi Olubodun:  A general practitioner has been suspended for one year, reprimanded and ordered to pay $20,000 in costs for behaving in a way that constitutes professional misconduct. Read the news item.
23/06/17  Chiropractic Board Chiropractic Board of Australia v Robert Marin Mr Robert Marin: The Chiropractic Board of Australia has successfully brought disciplinary proceedings against a suspended South Australian chiropractor. Read the media release.
22/06/17  Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Treacher Mr Donald Treacher: A tribunal has reprimanded a psychologist for engaging in an inappropriate relationship with a client. Read the news item.
22/06/17  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Anish Singh Dr Anish Singh: The Western Australia State Administrative Tribunal (tribunal) has disqualified Dr Anish Singh from applying for re-registration for ten years and fined him $5,000 for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
22/06/17  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Sugan Appasamy Dr Sugan Appasamy:  A medical practitioner has been reprimanded and ordered to pay $10,000 in costs after admitting to behaving in a way that constitutes unprofessional conduct by failing to properly maintain professional boundaries with a patient. Read the news item.
19/06/17 Nursing and Midwifery Board AHPRA v Name not disclosed Name not disclosed: A Victorian woman pleaded and was found guilty of using the title 'midwife' in circumstances that indicated or could reasonably indicate she was authorised and/or qualified to practise as a midwife when she was no longer registered as such. Read the media release.
19/06/17  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Alastair Marcus Nuttall  Dr Alastair Marcus Nuttall: A medical practitioner's consultation with a 10-year old girl with a malignant tumour has resulted in a tribunal finding of processional misconduct. Read the news item.
01/06/17  Nursing and Midwifery Board Seymour v Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Ms Tara Seymour: A tribunal has found that an enrolled nurse breached conditions on her registration, but has upheld the nurse’s appeal for reduced frequency of drug screening. Read the news item
30/05/17  Psychology Board  AHPRA v Name not disclosed Name not disclosed: A court has fined a man in Victoria for holding out as a registered health practitioner after he treated patients as a psychologist while not registerd to do so under the National Law. Read the media release
29/05/17  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Phyllis Zietsman Ms Phyllis Zietsman: A registered nurse has been reprimanded and had conditions imposed on her registration after admitting to engaging in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
16/05/17 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Azit Kumar Das Dr Azit Kumar Das: A tribunal has dismissed allegations of professional misconduct against a general practitioner. Read the news item.
15/05/17 Medical Board Al Raheb v Medical Board of Australia (Review and Regulation) [2017] VCAT 637 Dr Eiman Al Raheb: On 15 May 2017, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal confirmed the decision of an Immediate Action Committee (IAC) of the Medical Board of Australia to take immediate action under section 156 of the National Law by suspending medical practitioner, Dr Eiman Al Raheb’s registration. The relevant issues included infection control, storage of medication, handling of prescriptions, and storage of records. Read the full decision.
05/05/17 Optometry Board AHPRA v Anthony Patrick Cashman Mr Anthony Cashman: A man in Western Australia has been convicted of holding himself out as a registered optometrist while not being registered under the National Law for a second time. Read the media release.
03/05/17  Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Anatole John Hudson Mr Anatole John Hudson: Tribunal reprimands psychologist, imposes conditions on registration for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
13/04/17  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Doh Ong Hii Dr Doh Ong Hii: The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (tribunal) has affirmed a Medical Board of Australia (Board) decision to refuse the removal of conditions from medical practitioner Dr Doh Ong Hii’s application for review. The conditions on Dr Doh Ong Hii’s registration have been in place since October 2010 which restricts his practice so that he cannot perform major surgery as a primary surgeon. Read the news item.
11/04/17  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Keith Woollard Dr Keith Victor Woollard: The WA Court of Appeal dismissed Keith Woollard’s appeal to strike out the Medical Board of Australia’s allegations of false claims regarding his training and experience to perform a coronary angioplasty. Read the news item.
10/04/17  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v John Gibson Mr John Gibson: The State Administrative Tribunal of Western Australia has reprimanded an enrolled nurse and suspended his registration for 8 months for professional misconduct arising from his manual handling of elderly patients. Read the news item.
04/04/17 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Arvid Herbert Gunnar Linde  Dr Arvid Herbert Gunnar Linde: A former medical practitioner has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration after admitting to a sexual relationship with a patient. Read the news item
03/04/17  Medical Board  AHPRA v Shyam Acharya  Mr Shyam Acharya: A man has been fined $30,000 and received a criminal conviction after knowingly and recklessly holding out as a medical practitioner. Read the media release
23/03/17 Chiropractic Board AHPRA v Name not disclosed A former chiropractor in Western Australia was found guilty of holding himself out as a registered chiropractor by treating patients while not registered to do so. Read the news item.
17/03/17 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v John Brewer Mr John Brewer: A tribunal has reprimanded a registered nurse, cancelled his registration and disqualified him from applying for registration for at least three years after it found he engaged in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
16/03/17 Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Vivian Pereira Ms Vivian Pereira: Application for endorsement as a clinical psychologist refused. Read the news item.
03/03/17  Pharmacy Board  AHPRA v Brian Geoffrey Donegan  Mr Brian Geoffrey Donegan: A former pharmacist has been convicted of holding himself out as a registered pharmacist while not being registered under the National Law. Read the news item
03/03/17  Chiropractic Board  Chiropractic Board of Australia v John Horner  Dr John Horner: A former chiropractor disqualified from applying for registration for three years and ordered to pay $10,000 in Board legal costs after admitting to sexual and professional misconduct. Read the media release
28/02/17 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Hassan Shamkhi Jabbar Alkazali Dr Hassan Shamkhi Jabbar Alkazali:  A tribunal has reprimanded a medical practitioner, Dr Hassan Shamkhi Jabbar Alkazali, cancelled his registration and disqualified him from reapplying for registration for 18 months after he was found to have engaged in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
22/02/17  Pharmacy Board  AHPRA v Not named Not named: A former Western Australian pharmacist who practised the profession when his registration had been fined for holding out as a registered health practitioner. Read the news item.
15/02/17  Chiropractic Board  AHPRA v Hance Limboro  Dr Hance Limboro: Chiropractor was convicted and fined $29,500 by the court for using testimonials in his advertising, which is not permitted when advertising regulated health services. Read the news item
14/02/17  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Gregory Duck  Dr Gregory Duck: A medical practitioner has had his registration cancelled and been disqualified from reapplying for two years after admitting to behaving in a way that constitutes professional misconduct. Read the news item
06/02/17  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Name not disclosed Name not disclosed: A former medical practitioner in New South Wales has been successfully prosecuted for holding out as a registered medical practitioner when they were not.  Read the media release.
31/01/17  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Vipin Lal Dr Vipin Lal: Medical practitioner's registration cancelled and disqualified from applying for registration for five years. Read the news item.
27/01/17  Pharmacy Board  Pharmacy Board of Australia v Michael Meaney  Mr Michael Meany: Tribunal suspends pharmacist's registration for unlawfully and/or inappropriately supplying scheduled medications and for inadequate record keeping. Read the news item.
25/01/17  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board v Camille Els Ms Camille Faith Els: A tribunal has reprimanded an enrolled nurse (EN) and placed conditions on her registration after it found she engaged in professional misconduct relating to failures to administer medication. Read the news item.
25/01/17  Dental Board Dental Board of Australia v Randeep Dhillon Dr Randeep Dhillon: a dental practitioner has been disqualified by a tribunal for professional misconduct and unprofessional conduct. Read the news item.
24/01/17  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Gershon Cukier  Dr Gershon Cukier: a GP has been reprimanded, had his registration cancelled and has been disqualified from re-applying for registration for 18 months by a tribunal for four counts of professional misconduct and one count of unprofessional conduct. Read the news item
20/01/17  Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Gyu Sung Lee Dr Gyu Sung Lee:  A registered pharmacist has had his registration cancelled and has been disqualified for reapplying for three years for behaving in a way that constitutes professional misconduct. Read the news item.
22/12/16  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Jack Davies  Dr Jack Davies: A tribunal has reprimanded a medical practitioner and ordered him to pay a fine of $2,500 plus costs incurred by the Medical Board of Australia (the Board) for behaving in a way that constitutes unsatisfactory professional performance. Read the news item.
21/12/16 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Hayden Swan Mr Hayden Swan: Tribunal reprimands pharmacist and imposes conditions on his registration for unprofessional conduct. Read the news item.
20/12/16 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia (Review and Regulation) v Rodney Syme Dr Rodney Syme: A tribunal has set aside the decision of the Medical Board of Australia to impose a condition on the registration of medical practitioner Dr Rodney Syme as a form of immediate action. Read the news item.
15/12/16  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Dung Nguyen Mr Dung Nguyen: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse, cancelled his registration and disqualified him from applying for registration for three years, after he admitted stealing approximately $40,000 from a patient over a period of about four years. Read the news item
13/12/16  Dental Board Dental Board of Australia v Natasha Abel Miss Natasha Abel: Tribunal reprimands and suspends dental practitioner for professional misconduct. Read the media release.
09/12/16  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dr P Dr P:  A tribunal has reprimanded a medical practitioner and imposed conditions on his registration restricting his practice, after finding he engaged in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
08/12/16 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Jean Mberi Ms Jean Mberi: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse for unprofessional conduct and placed conditions on her registration after she failed to disclose relevant information when renewing her registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA). Read the news item
01/12/16 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Danielle Jones Ms Danielle Maree Jones:  A tribunal has disqualified a nurse from applying for registration for life after it found she engaged in serious professional misconduct. Read the news item.
30/11/16  Psychology Board Ahpra v Name not disclosed Name not disclosed: Victorian social worker prosecuted for claiming to be a psychologist. Read the news item.
30/11/16 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Theresa Clifford Ms Theresa Clifford: A former midwife and registered nurse has been reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration for 18 months for professional misconduct concerning a homebirth. Read the news item.
25/10/16 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Kuang King Tan  Mr Kuang King Tan: A provisional pharmacist has been reprimanded for professional misconduct, had his provisional registration cancelled and been disqualified from re-applying for registration for a period of four years. Read the news item.
24/10/16 Dental Board  Dental Board of Australia v Karen Fazey  Ms Karen Fazey: registration cancelled, reprimanded and fined. Read the news item
21/10/16 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Wijeneka Liyanage Dr Wijeneka Liyanage: NTCAT upholds the Medical Board’s decision to suspend a medical practitioner’s registration after he falsified patient records. Read the news item.
14/10/16 Medical Board Medical Board v Dian Haryaty Binti Harun Dr Dian Haryaty Binti Harun: The tribunal has reprimanded a practitioner for engaging in professional misconduct by incorrectly and inappropriately prescribing medication, which contributed to the death of a patient. Read the news item.
10/10/16  Psychology Board Psychology Board v Robert Gachon Mr Robert Marcel Gachon: A NSW man has received an $8,000 fine plus costs and a criminal conviction for knowingly holding himself out as a psychologist. Read the news item.
06/10/16 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Debra Highet Ms Debra Jean Highet: A tribunal has cancelled an enrolled nurse’s registration and disqualified her from re-applying for two years, after it found she engaged in professional misconduct relating to drug use. Read the news item.
03/10/16  Pharmacy Board  Pharmacy Board v Cornelia Naude Ms Cornelia Naude: Tribunal reprimands pharmacist, imposes conditions on registration for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
29/09/16  Nursing and Midwifery Board  AHPRA v Nicholas Crawford Mr Nicholas Crawford: A 31-year-old Darwin man has been convicted and fined a total of $33,500 for falsely claiming to be a registered nurse and ordered to pay an additional $8,250 in costs. Read the media release.
23/09/16  Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Stephen Brown Mr Stephen Brown: reprimanded for unsatisfactory professional performance and failing to maintain professional boundaries. Read the news item.
16/09/16  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Raphael Blum  Dr Raphael Blum: A medical practitioner has admitted professional misconduct for failing to comply with conditions on his registration and for practising while suspended. Read the news item
31/08/16 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Almayne du Preez Dr Almayne du Preez: General practitioner reprimanded and fined following unprofessional conduct. Read the news item.
31/08/16 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Philip Evans Summary: Mr Philip Evans: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse and imposed conditions on his registration for engaging in a personal and sexual relationship with a patient. Read the news item.
29/08/16  Medical Board Medical Board v Keith Victor Woollard Dr Keith Victor Woollard: The Court of Appeal in Western Australia has dismissed a cardiologist’s appeal  of a decision by the Supreme Court of Western Australia. Read the news item
26/08/16 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Adam Christie Mr Adam Christie: A registered pharmacist has been reprimanded and disqualified from reapplying for registration for three years for behaving in a way that constitutes professional misconduct. Read the news item.
26/08/16  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Nicholas Melhuish Mr Nicholas Melhuish: Tribunal reprimands a medical researcher, who was a medical practitioner, for professional misconduct and prohibited him from practising medical research for 12 months. Read the news item.
24/08/16  Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Kameel Anton Mr Kameel Anton: A Victorian pharmacist has been reprimanded and ordered to undertake mentoring after pleading guilty to professional misconduct. Read the news item.
22/08/16  Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Ross Anderson (Review and Regulation)  Mr Ross Anderson: A tribunal has reprimanded a psychologist and suspended his registration for three months for professional misconduct.
Read the news item
19/08/16  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Mohamed Helmy Dr Mohamed Helmy: ACAT has confirmed the Medical Board's decision to take immediate action on the registration of Dr Mohamed Helmy. Read the news item
03/08/16  Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Ali Kozanoglu  Mr Ali Kozanoglu:  A pharmacist convicted of drug trafficking has been disqualified by a tribunal from applying for registration for three years. Read the news item
27/07/16  Psychology Board   Psychology Board of Australia v Mark Tunstall Mr Mark Tunstall: A tribunal has reprimanded a psychologist for engaging in professional misconduct. Read the news item
13/07/16  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Welling (now known as Fields)  Ruth Welling (now known as Ruth Nyuk Joon Fields): A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse and placed conditions on her registration after finding she engaged in professional misconduct. Read the news item
07/07/16  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Brian Roha Smith Mr Brian Roha Smith: A Registered nurse has been reprimanded and disqualified form applying from registration for 12 months for professional misconduct. Read the news item.  
07/07/16 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Orlando Marquinez  Mr Orlando Marquinez: A NSW man has been fined $10,000 and received a criminal conviction after knowingly and recklessly holding out as a registered nurse. Read the media release.
29/06/16  Psychology Board  AHPRA v Professor Nadira Pardo Professor Nadira Pardo: The Supreme Court of Tasmania summarily dismissed an application by Prof. Nadira Pardo. Read the news item
22/06/16  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Robert Wolman Dr Robert Wolman: Reprimanded, fined $20,000, ordered to pay legal costs, and disqualified from reapplying for registration for 10 years for professional misconduct. Read the full news item.
20/06/16  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Andre Paul Hugo  Dr Andre Paul Hugo: Reprimanded and fined $5,000 plus full costs of $3,500 for engaging in professional misconduct and unsatisfactory professional performance. Read the news item
09/06/16 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Philip Evans Summary: Mr Philip Evans: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse and imposed conditions on his registration for engaging in a personal and sexual relationship with a patient. Read the news item.
09/06/16  Psychology Board  AHPRA v Pierre Allauch  Mr Pierre Allauch: A South Australian man has received a $7,500 fine and a criminal conviction for knowingly and recklessly using the title “psychologist”. Read the media release
07/06/16 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Alexander Black Dr Alexander Black: A medical practitioner who admitted possessing child pornography has had his registration suspended by a tribunal for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
07/06/16 Nursing and Midwifery Board AHPRA v Jennifer Anne Reed Ms Jennifer Anne Reed: A South Australian woman has received a $7,000 fine and a criminal conviction after pleading guilty in the Adelaide Magistrates Court to using the protected title of ‘registered nurse’ and for holding out that she was a registered nurse, contrary to the National Law. Read the media release.
03/06/16 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and midwifery Board of Australia v David Andrew Stephenson Mr David Andrew Stephenson: A tribunal has cancelled a nurse’s registration after finding he engaged in professional misconduct. Read the media release.
02/06/16 Medical Board Tasmanian Board of the Medical Board of Australia v Gregory Pitt Dr Gregory Pitt: A tribunal has dismissed Medical Board allegations of unprofessional conduct against general practitioner Dr Gregory Pitt. Read the full news item.
30/05/16  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Indunil de Silva Dr Indunil de Silva: cautioned for unsatisfactory professional conduct.  Read the news item
25/05/16  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Roger Paterson  Dr Roger Paterson: The tribunal has dismissed a referral by the Medical Board of Australia regarding specialist a psychiatrist. Read the news item.
20/05/16  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Michelle Ong Dr Michelle Ong:  A medical practitioner who admitted inappropriate prescribing has had her registration suspended by a tribunal for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
19/05/16  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Simone Phasey Mrs Simone Phasey: A tribunal has reprimanded a former nurse and disqualified her from reapplying for registration for two years. Read the news item.
13/05/16  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Nadhum Shimmari Dr Nadhum Shimmari: The Tribunal has reprimanded Dr Nadhum Shimmari ordering him to carry out further education and mentoring for engaging in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
09/05/16  Medical Board AHPRA v Name not disclosed Name not disclosed: Reprimanded for recklessly holding herself out as a registered medical practitioner and ordered to pay a fine of $10,000 and prosecution costs of $35,000. Her company was also ordered to pay a fine of $15,000. Read the news item.
03/05/16  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Quentin Malone Dr Quentin Malone: Reprimanded and registration suspended for 12 months for performing spinal surgery at the wrong level. Read the news item.
12/04/16  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Roos  Ms Roos: A tribunal has reprimanded a nurse and disqualified her from applying for registration for three years for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
12/04/16  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Deon Rall Dr Deon Rall: Found by a tribunal to have engaged in unprofessional conduct and ordered to not reapply for registration in any jurisdiction in Australia for three years. Read the news item.
11/04/16 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Fox  Dr Frank Charles Fox: A tribunal has reprimanded and suspended a medical practitioner for inappropriate prescribing and medical management of patients over 12 years. Read the news item.
07/04/16  Medical Radiation Practice Board  Medical Radiation Practice Board v Pei Ren Un Mr Pei Ren Un: reprimanded for professional misconduct and disqualified from reapplying for registration as a medical radiation practitioner for a period of 18 months. Read the news item.
01/04/16  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v George Koniuszko Dr George Koniuszko: The Victorian Civil and Administration Tribunal (VCAT) has reprimanded a medical practitioner, and imposed conditions on his registration after making findings that he had engaged in professional misconduct. Read the news item
01/04/16  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Nicola Dutton Ms Nicola Dutton: Professional misconduct and unsatisfactory professional performance; reprimand, suspension for period of six months; extensive additional conditions upon registration, involving supervision and restricted hospital practice; additional educational requirements; and audit. Read the news item.
24/03/16  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Rhandy Cabading Dr Rhandy Cabading: A Medical Board of Australia decision to refuse his application for renewal of limited registration has been confirmed by a tribunal. Read the news item.
22/03/16  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Tahir Shah  Dr Tahir Shah: A tribunal has found a medical practitioner has engaged in professional misconduct and suspended his registration for six months. Read the news item.
18/03/16 Nursing and Midwifery Board  AHPRA v Jennifer Anne Reed Ms Jennifer Anne Reed: A South Australian woman who had falsely claimed to be a registered nurse was jailed today for four years with a non-parole period of 14 months. Read the media release 
09/03/16  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Robert Taylor Dr Robert Taylor: medical practitioner's failure to declare criminal history resulting in cancellation of registration; disqualified from applying for registration for two years. Read the news item
08/03/16  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Nilanthi Kanapathipillai Dr Nilanthi Kanapathipillai: The tribunal has reprimanded a medical practitioner, suspended and imposed conditions on her registration following repeated illicit drug use, amounting to professional misconduct. Read the news item.
07/03/16  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board v Tanya Louise Smith  Ms Tanya Louise Smith: A tribunal has suspended a nurse for five months and placed conditions on her registration after she pleaded guilty to drug trafficking and subsequently failed to notify the NMBA.  Read the news item.
07/03/16  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Rebecca Anne Greenwood Ms Rebecca Anne Greenwood: Former nurse has been reprimanded and disqualified from reapplying for registration for a period of time for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
03/03/16  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Silvia Csepregi  Ms Silvia Csepregi: A tribunal has suspended a nurse’s registration for professional misconduct for unwarranted physical contact with a patient and falsifying a report of the incident. Read the news item.
02/03/16  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Stark  Mr Kenneth Stark: A medical practitioner who admitted to inappropriate prescribing has had his registration suspended by a tribunal for a period of two years. Read the news item
25/02/16  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Stephen Walker Mr Stephen Walker: A tribunal has suspended a nurse’s registration after finding he engaged in professional misconduct. Read the news item.
24/02/16  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Geoffrey Kemp Dr Geoffrey Kemp: VCAT has given a medical practitioner six weeks to find a supervisor and a group practice to work in, while other restrictions on his registration imposed by the Medical Board of Australia remain in place. Read the news item
23/02/16 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Lindsay Smith Dr Lindsay John Smith: Reprimanded, conditions imposed for professional misconduct. Read the full news item.
22/02/16  Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Michelle Anne Bakjac Ms Michelle Anne Bakjac: The South Australian Health Practitioners Tribunal has reprimanded psychologist Michelle Bakjac for professional misconduct and suspended her registration. Read the news item
18/02/16  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Ajay Naidu Dr Ajay Naidu: General practitioner engaged in professional misconduct and unprofessional conduct after he failed to understand and maintain professional boundaries. Read the news item.
16/02/16  Chinese Medicine Board  Chinese Medicine Board of Australia v Silvia Russo Ms Silvia Russo: The Tribunal has reprimanded Chinese medicine practitioner Ms Silvia Russo for professional misconduct and ordered her to continue to participate in her existing mentor arrangement. Read the news item.
11/02/16  Psychology Board  Pyschology Board of Australia v Douglas Knuckey Mr Douglas Knuckey: The South Australian Health Practitioners Tribunal (the Tribunal) found a formerly registered psychologist, Mr Douglas Knuckey, guilty of professional misconduct and permanently prohibited him from practising as a psychologist. Read the news item.
09/02/16  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Mark Denis Kelly Dr Mark Denis Kelly: A tribunal has found a medical practitioner engaged in unprofessional conduct by inappropriately providing a person with a medical certificate and prescription. Read the news item.
29/01/16  Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Meddwyn Coleman Ms Meddwyn Coleman: VCAT has ordered that Ms Meddwyn Coleman, a psychologist, has no case to answer and no further action is to be taken. Read the news item.
08/01/16  Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v IVX Dr IVX:  Psychologist reprimanded for professional misconduct and suspended for nine months. To undertake further education and undergo professional supervision for a period of 12 months. Read the news item.
06/01/16  Dental Board Dental Board of Australia v Ayu Abdullah Dr Ayu Abdullah: reprimanded and practitioner found to have engaged in professional misconduct and unprofessional conduct, after her treatment of a patient was found to be ‘of an ongoing poor standard.’ Read the media release
11/12/15 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Shahin Alam Dr Shahin Alam: specialist general practitioner, engaged in unsatisfactory professional performance in his treatment of two female patients; conditions imposed on his registration. Read the news item
26/11/15 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Name not disclosed Name not disclosed: reprimanded and conditions imposed on registration requiring further education and training. Additional supervision requirements to be met. Read the news item
25/11/15  Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Kirsten McArthur  Ms Kirsten McArthur: The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal has reprimanded psychologist Kirsten McArthur after finding she engaged in unsatisfactory professional conduct. Read the news item
23/11/15  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Christopher Alroe Dr Christopher Alroe: A medical practitioner who sought a review of a decision to refuse him unrestricted specialist registration is to be registered without conditions. Read the news item.
23/11/15 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Andrew Carl Schneider Dr Andrew Carl Schneider: reprimanded for professional misconduct. Read the news item.
16/11/15  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Catherine George  Catherine George: A tribunal has found an enrolled nurse had engaged in unprofessional conduct after failing to advocate for her patient and for failing to make adequate notes in the patient record. Read the news item
06/11/15  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Premanandan Vayal Veettil Dr Premanandan Vayal Veettil: unsatisfactory professional performance and professional misconduct. Read the news item.
06/11/15  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Richard Hocking Dr Richard Hocking: unprofessional conduct and unsatisfactory professional performance in his treatment of a number of patients; practice restricted to protect patients. Read the news item
05/11/15 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia  v Vivian Jarrett Ms Vivian Jarrett: reprimanded by a tribunal for failing to maintain professional boundaries. Read the news item.
04/11/15 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Glen Nicholas Pearse Dr Glen Nicholas Pearse: The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) has dismissed a referral by the Medical Board of Australia against general practitioner Dr Glen Nicholas Pearse. Read the news item.
03/11/15  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Aran John Bowden Denford Mr Aran John Bowden Denford: A Tribunal has reprimanded Mr Aran John Bowden Denford, cancelled his medical registration and disqualified him for applying for registration for two and a half years, for accessing child pornography over 14 years. Read the news item.
30/10/15  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Ross Jose Dr Ross Jose: reprimanded, fined and conditions imposed on registration over unsatisfactory professional performance. Read the news item.
21/10/15  Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v James Freeman Dr James Freeman: The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal rejected the Psychology Board's allegations that Dr Freeman had prepared an inappropriate report for the Parole Board of Queensland regarding a prisoner.  Read the news item
20/10/15  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Sylvia Yu  Dr Sylvia Xiao Yun Yu: A Tribunal has found that a medical practitioner engaged in unsatisfactory professional conduct. Read the news item
14/10/15 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board v Isgrove Madai Mr Isgrove Madai: A former nurse has been found guilty of professional misconduct and barred from applying for registration for nine years. Read the news item.
12/10/15  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Peter William Omant Mr Peter William Omant: A registered nurse who accessed child pornography has been reprimanded by a tribunal and had conditions placed on his registration. Read the news item.
12/10/15 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Chitrakanti Kapadia Dr Chitrakanti Kapadia: reprimanded for unprofessional conduct. Read news item.
06/10/15  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Christopher Joseph Bourke Dr Christopher Joseph Bourke: a specialist general surgeon and paediatric surgeon, engaged in unsatisfactory professional conduct. Read the news item
29/09/15  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Netty Nyaruwata Miss Netty Nyaruwata: Reprimanded for professional misconduct, registration suspended for three months and conditions imposed on registration. Read the news item.
22/09/15  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Merrilee Baker  Ms Merrilee Baker: The State Administrative Tribunal of Western Australia (Tribunal) has reprimanded a nurse and suspended her registration for seven months. Read the news item
09/09/15  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Keith Woollard Dr Keith Woollard: unsatisfactory professional performance. Read the news item.
07/09/15  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Masoud Davatgaran Tabriz Dr Masoud Davatgaran Tabriz: A medical practitioner who admitted to a sexual relationship with a patient has had his registration suspended. Read the news item
28/08/15  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Tammy Jacobsen Ms Tammy Jacobsen: A tribunal found a nurse engaged in professional misconduct, suspended her registration for six months and ordered that conditions be imposed on her registration for 12 months after the suspension expires. Read the news item.
25/08/15  Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v David Brewster Mr David Brewster: reprimanded, registration cancelled and disqualified from reapplying for registration for one year. Read the media release.
20/08/15  Medical Board  Medical Board v Mark James Vucak  Dr Mark James Vucak: Registration suspended by a tribunal for three months after it found he had a sexual relationship with a female patient. Read the news item
15/08/15  Occupational Therapy Board AHPRA v Mr X Defendant not to be identified: AHPRA has successfully prosecuted an unregistered practitioner for the misuse of the protected title ‘occupational therapist’. Read the news item.
13/08/15 Dental Board  AHPRA v Muhammet Velipasaoglu  Mr Muhammet Velipasaoglu: was convicted on a plea of guilty to holding out as a dentist, using a protected title, carrying out restricted dental acts and possessing schedule 4 drugs. He was fined $20,000 and placed on a 12-month community corrections order. Read the news item.
11/08/15  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Margaret Black Ms Margaret Black: reprimanded for professional misconduct for stealing a blank prescription and forging a prescription for a drug of dependence. Read the news item.
13/07/15 Dental Board  Dental Board of Australia v Graham Raynes Dr Graham Raynes: dentist reprimanded, removed from the register of practitioners and banned from reapplying for registration for two years, over his treatment of six patients. Read the news item
08/07/15  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v William Barnes Dr William Barnes: reprimanded, suspended for three months and conditions imposed. Read the media release.
06/07/15 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Philip Nitschke Dr Philip Nitschke: suspension lifted and registration updated on the national register. Read the media release.
23/06/15  Chinese Medicine Board Chinese Medicine Board v Mr Graeme Lindsay Garvin Mr Graeme Lindsay Garvin: A tribunal has found he behaved in a way that constitutes professional misconduct and reprimanded him. Read the news item.
19/06/15  Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Robert Donald Louis Mr Robert Donald Louis: The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) has reprimanded a former pharmacist and found he engaged in unprofessional conduct.  Read the media release.
19/06/15  Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Karl Hanes Dr Karl Hanes: registration refused, required period of supervised practice in accordance with the Guidelines for the 4+2 internship program not completed.  Read the media release.
17/06/2015  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v John Garland  Dr John Garland: reprimanded for unprofessional conduct and professional misconduct. Read the media release
15/06/2015 Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Dianah Cameron Dr Dianah Cameron: A tribunal has reprimanded a psychologist and found she engaged in unprofessional conduct for failing to disclose being charged and then convicted of driving-related offences. Read the news item.
02/06/2015  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Philip Dibbs Mr Phillip Dibbs: reprimanded and disqualified for 10 years over professional misconduct. Read the media release.
28/05/2015  Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Steven Spring Mr Steven Spring: reprimanded for professional misconduct and precluded him from applying for registration for two and a half years. Read the media release.
19/05/2015 Medical Board Medical Board v Andrew Alfred George Leggett Dr Andrew Alfred George Leggett: Dr Leggett is reprimanded and required to complete a course of counselling with a psychiatrist who specialises in boundary violation issues. Read the news item.
30/04/15  Medical Board  Medical Board v Ian Nolan Bernadt Dr Ian Nolan Bernadt:  Dr Bernadt is reprimanded, disqualified from reapplying for registration as a registered health practitioner for two years and ordered to pay the Board's legal costs. Read the news item
22/04/2015  Medical Board Medical Board v Rene Gomez Dr Rene Gomez: reprimanded for both professional misconduct and unprofessional conduct, suspended for six months, ordered to never again see female patients. Read the news item.
07/04/2015  Pharmacy Board  Pharmacy Board of Australia v Vu The Tran Mr Vu The Tran: reprimanded, conditions imposed over professional misconduct. Read the media release
01/04/2015 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dr ZOF Dr ZOF: reprimanded and suspended for one year due to professional misconduct. Read the media release.
27/03/15  Medical Board Medical Board  Robert John Cooke Dr Robert John Cooke: The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) found that Dr Cooke’s behaviour fell far short of the standards of medical practice expected by the public and the profession, and that his behaviour amounted to unsatisfactory professional conduct. Read the news item.
27/03/2015 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Ziji Fox Mr Ziji Fox: application for finding of unprofessional conduct dismissed by tribunal. Read the media release.
23/03/2015 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Steven Andrew Dr Steven Andrew: reprimanded, fined and conditions placed on registration over professional misconduct. Read the media release.
19/03/2015 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Anne McAleer Ms Anne McAleer: reprimanded for professional misconduct, registration cancelled and disqualified for six months. Read the media release.
09/03/2015 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Timothy Buckby Mr Timothy Buckby: guilty of professional misconduct for engaging in a sexual relationship with a patient and breaching obligations of confidentiality. Read the media release.
05/03/2015 Psychology Board Psychology Board of Australia v Elisabeth Freeman Ms Elisabeth Freeman: reprimanded and disqualified for professional misconduct. Read the media release.
04/03/2014  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Salahuddin Taj  Dr Salahuddin Taj: application for specialist registration refused by tribunal. Read the media release.
23/02/2015 Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Peter Savage  Mr Peter Savage: conditions imposed on registration as a nurse. Read the media release.
19/02/2015 Medical Board   Medical Board of Australia v John Barry Myers  Dr John Barry Myers: fined and disqualified for applying for registration. Read the media release.
04/02/2015 Medical Board   Medical Board of Australia v Nathem Al Naser  Dr Nathem Al Naser: doctor reprimanded and conditions imposed on his registration, for his failure to report another doctor’s conduct at his practice. Read the media release.
29/01/2015  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Jai Palaniappan  Dr Jai Palaniappan: fined for professional misconduct. Read the media release
21/01/2015  Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Linse Thomas  Mr Linse Thomas: application for registration refused. Read the media release.
19/01/2015 Medical Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Malcolm Coghill Malcolm Coghill: cautioned following investigation into criminal offences. Read the media release.
19/01/2015 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Brian McAllan Mr Brian McAllan: reprimanded for unprofessional conduct. Read the media release.
07/01/2015 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Philip Nitschke Dr Philip Nitschke: registration suspended. Read the media release.
22/12/2014 Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Tam Dieu Dr Tam Dieu and Dr Mervyn Cass: reprimanded and conditions placed on registration. Read the media release.
22/12/2014  Psychology Board  Psychology Board of Australia v Domenic Greco  Mr Domenic Greco: reprimanded, registration cancelled effective 19 January 2015, and disqualified from applying for registration for two years from that date. Read the media release
19/12/2014 Chinese Medicine Board  Chinese Medicine Board of Australia v Ah Choo Teo  Ms Ah Choo Teo: reprimanded, registration suspended. Read the media release
16/12/2014  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Harpeet Singh  Mr Harpeet Singh: registration cancelled and disqualified from applying for registration as a nurse for 20 months. Read the media release
14/12/2014 Dental Board Dental Board of Australia v Dr Ari Masters Dr Ari Masters: reprimanded, fined and conditions imposed for unprofessional conduct. Read the media release.
12/12/2014  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Christopher Alroe Dr Christopher Alroe reprimanded, conditions imposed for professional misconduct. Read the media release
12/12/2014  Dental Board  Dental Board of Australia v John Ham  Dr John Ham: registration cancelled and disqualified from applying for registration for six months. Read the media release
11/12/2014 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Muir McPherson Mr Muir McPherson: reprimanded, fined and conditions imposed for professional misconduct. Read the media release.
08/12/2014  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Wijeneka Liyanage Dr Wijeneka Liyanage: suspension lifted. Read the media release
05/12/2014  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Dr I  Dr I: reprimanded and conditions placed on registration. Read the media release
24/11/2014 Pharmacy Board Pharmacy Board of Australia v Frank Balestra Mr Frank Balestra: reprimanded, registration cancelled and disqualified from applying for registration for 30 years. Read the media release.
21/11/2014  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Zoran Radovic Dr Zoran Radovic: reprimanded for unsatisfactory professional performance. Read the media release
21/11/2014  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Leila Dekker  Dr Leila Dekker: finding of improper conduct set aside. Read the media release
12/11/2014  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board v Sanjai Gupta  Mr Sanjai Gupta: reprimanded for professional misconduct and conditions imposed on registration. Read the media release
06/11/2014  Nursing and Midwifery Board  Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Michael Cummins  Mr Michael Cummins: registration suspended and conditions imposed. Read the media release
05/11/2014  Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Gareth David Eldred  Dr Gareth Eldred: reprimanded and registration cancelled and disqualified from applying for registration for 18 months. Read the media release
04/11/2014  Dental Board  Dental Board of Australia v Patrick O'Brien  Dr Patrick O'Brien: finding of unsatisfactory professional conduct and ordered not to reapply for registration. Read the media release
04/11/2014  Medical Board      Medical Board of Australia v Bharat Doolabh  Dr Bharat Doolabh: reprimanded and suspended for unsatisfactory professional conduct. Read the media release
28/10/2014 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Daniel Van Dijk Dr Daniel Van Dijk: reprimanded, removed from the register, and banned from reapplying for registration for nine months. Read the media release.
22/10/2014  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Paul Edward Langton  Dr Paul Edward Langton: suspended, reprimanded and fined for professional misconduct. Read the media release
21/10/2015 Medical Radiation Practice Board  Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia v Devorah Lindberg Ms Devorah Lindberg: reprimanded for unsatisfactory professional conduct. Read the media release.
20/10/2014  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v David Evan Roberts  Dr David Evan Roberts: ordered to have communication with patients audited; fined $15,000 for unprofessional conduct. Read the media release. 
17/10/2014 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Nicolae Cruceru Dr Nicolae Cruceru: application to review conditions dismissed by tribunal. Read the media release.
17/10/2014 Physiotherapy Board  Physiotherapy Board of Australia v Alexander Browning  Mr Alexander Browning: reprimanded and suspended for two months. Read the media release. 
15/10/2014  Pharmacy Board  Pharmacy Board of Australia v Nicholas Gledhill  Mr Nicholas Gledhill: reprimanded and disqualified for professional misconduct. Read the media release
10/10/2014 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Mughammad Saliem Ismail  Dr Mughammad Saliem Ismail: reprimanded and registration cancelled. Read the media release.
10/10/2014  Physiotherapy Board  Physiotherapy Board of Australia v Bharath Devadas  Mr Bharath Devadas: permanently disqualified for professional misconduct. Read the media release
01/10/2014  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v Ashraf Ibrahim Abdou Ibrahim  Dr Ashraf Ibrahim Abdou Ibrahim: appeal against Board decision dismissed by tribunal. Read the media release
29/09/2014 Podiatry Board Podiatry Board of Australia v Terence Williams Mr Terrence Williams: disqualified from applying for registration for three years. Read the media release.
27/09/2014 Medical Board Medical Board of Autralia v Henning Dr Frederick Henning: reprimanded and conditions imposed on registration. Read the media release.
24/09/2014 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v David Lance Lahey Mr David Lance Lahey: reprimanded and disqualified from applying for registration as a nurse in Australia for five years. Read the media release.
20/08/2014 Medical Board Medical Board of Australia v Nemalan Seshagiri Moodley Dr Nemalan Seshagiri Moodley: reprimanded, registration cancelled, and prohibited from applying for registration for five years. Read the media release.
13/08/2014 Nursing and Midwifery Board Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia v Jayne Morley Ms Jayne Morley: reprimanded, registration cancelled and disqualified from applying for registration. Read the media release.
11/08/2014  Medical Board  Medical Board of Australia v William Fitzgerald  Dr William Fitzgerald: reprimanded and conditions imposed on his registration as a medical practitioner. Read the media release
23/01/2014 Psychology Board AHPRA v Jayne Walton  Ms Jayne Walton: pleaded guilty to using the title "psychologist" and claiming to be a registered psychologist when she had not been registered for a number of years. She was fined $20,000. Read the news item

Court and tribunal decisions 2012-13

Document name PDF Accessible format Document date
Health practitioner court and tribunal case summaries 1 PDF (94.4 KB) Word version (971 KB,DOC)  1 March 2012
Health practitioner court and tribunal case summaries 2 PDF (107 KB)  Word version (994 KB,DOC)  15 October 2012
Health practitioner court and tribunal case summaries 3 PDF (114 KB)  Word version (1010 KB,DOC)  20 December 2012 
Health practitioner court and tribunal case summaries 4 PDF (363 KB) Word version (960 KB,DOCX) 8 July 2013
Page reviewed 11/02/2025