Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Panel hearing summary 2023.0922
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Panel hearing summary 2023.0922

Decision of the Occupational Therapy Board of Australia

Performance and professional standards panel

Jurisdiction: Queensland
Date of Decision: 14 September 2023

Classification of Notification

Unprofessional Conduct


The Board referred allegations that the Practitioner had contravened conditions to which her registration was subject. Specifically, the Board alleged that the Practitioner had failed to nominate an education course and provide completed compliance forms within the stipulated timeframes. The Board also alleged that the Practitioner failed to comply with a notice issued pursuant to s.132 of the National Law.
The Panel found the allegations proven and that the Practitioner had engaged in unprofessional conduct under section 191(1)(b)(ii) of the National Law.
The Panel decided to caution the Practitioner. In doing so it noted that the Practitioner is early in their career and considered the impact that a reprimand may have on them professionally would be disproportionate and prejudicial. The Panel also determined that the current conditions on the Practitioner’s registration remain appropriate and consider that they will provide appropriate supports to the Practitioner as they enter the profession.

Page reviewed 12/12/2023