Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Panel hearing summary 2020.0874
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Panel hearing summary 2020.0874

Decision of the Dental Board of Australia

Performance and professional standards panel 

Jurisdiction: South Australia
Date of Decision: 11 November 2019

Classification of Notification

National Law Breach - Breach of condition/ undertaking


The Board referred allegations that the Practitioner contravened a condition of her registration as a dental practitioner by failing to complete education programs within the required time frame.

The Panel determined that the Practitioner had behaved in a way that constituted unsatisfactory professional performance. The Panel reprimanded the Practitioner. In determining sanction, the Panel considered that a failure to comply with conditions is significant because it constitutes a breach of the statutory regime established to regulate health practitioners. Further, the Panel noted that the reprimand will ensure that the Practitioner appreciates the seriousness of her conduct and the need to comply with conditions at all times.

Page reviewed 22/08/2023