Performance and Professional Standards Panel
Jurisdiction: Victoria
Date of hearing and decision: 17 October 2011
Clinical Care - Inadequate or inappropriate procedure
Communication - Failure to communicate openly, honestly, and effectively
The dentist extracted four permanent healthy first molar teeth to commence straightening the 17-year-old patient’s teeth. The dentist was not an orthodontist. The patient required antibiotics because teeth fragments remained in the patient’s mouth and the patient became unwell after the extractions. The patient and the patient’s mother questioned why healthy teeth had been removed, which raised issues of consent for the notifier.
The dentist faced allegations that the overly complex extraction of four sound permanent first molar teeth had a questionable prognosis and may have exceeded the dentist’s skills and training. It was also alleged that the dentist failed to communicate effectively to the patient the risks, benefits, prognosis and alternatives of the treatment.
The Panel found that
The Panel found that the dentist engaged in unsatisfactory professional performance, in that the knowledge, skill or judgment possessed, or the care exercised by the dentist was below the standard reasonably expected of a dentist of an equivalent level of training or experience.
The Panel
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