Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Resources
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For practitioners
Supporting your professional practice

The National Boards and Ahpra have published resources to support professional practice and safe healthcare. Below are links to professional practice resources for all professions. Profession-specific resources are published on National Board websites.

Regulating new and changing healthcare

The way healthcare is delivered is changing thanks to technological advancements, new drugs and new models of care. We're working to be more proactive in addressing risk in this rapidly changing environment.

Professional responsibilities for prescribing and dispensing medicines

A joint statement has been released by Ahpra and the Medical, Pharmacy and Nursing and Midwifery Boards of Australia reminding practitioners of their duty of care when providing prescriptions of any kind, whether it be in-person or via telehealth.

Complaints checklist

A checklist for practitioners to help resolve feedback and complaints made by patients, clients or carers when they are first made directly to the health provider. The checklist was developed by the Ahpra, the National Boards and the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.

Code of conduct

Each of the National Boards have an approved code of conduct or code of ethics that applies to the registered health practitioners they regulate. These codes help to keep the public safe by outlining the National Boards’ expectations of professional behavior and conduct for practitioners.

Artificial Intelligence in healthcare

Artificial Intelligence (AI)technologyis rapidly becoming integrated into many areas of healthcare. This resource explains how existing responsibilities in National Boards’ codes of conduct apply when practitioners use AI in their practice.

Advertising hub

The hub contains the advertising guidelines and resources to help advertisers, including practitioners, understand their obligations and tools to help check their advertising is correct. There is also information about how we manage complaints about advertising.

Social media: How to meet your obligations under the National Law

This guidance is to help practitioners understand and meet their obligations under the National Law when using social media.

Cosmetic Surgery Hub

We’re committed to making cosmetic surgery safer. This hub has information and resources to help practitioners understand their obligations as well as examples of unsafe practise and how to report it.

Expected standards: Cosmetic procedures and surgery

Information for practitioners about the expected standards for cosmetic surgery and cosmetic procedures.

Supervised practice

Each of the National Boards have supervised practice processes in place. Supervised practice provides reassurance that the practice of practitioners being supervised is safe, competent and not putting the public at risk.

Registration standards

Practitioners must meet national standards for registration. There are core registration standards for all professions and also profession-specific standards.

Information for practitioners who provide virtual care

Information for practitioners about National Boards’ expectations of how practitioners will use virtual care in their practice to deliver safe and effective virtual care services.

Managing health records

Seven National Boards (Chiropractic, Medical Radiation Practice, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy and Podiatry) have developed resources to help practitioners better understand and meet their health record management obligations. There are two resources, a summary of the guidance about record management in the shared Code of conduct and a self-reflective tool to help practitioners to assess the adequacy of their record keeping and management practises.

LGBTIQA+ Communities

We are committed to being a safe regulator for LGBTIQA+ health practitioners, as well as contributing to health equity and access to safe healthcare for LGBTIQA+ people. Visit this page for information on your rights, responsibilities, and our commitment.

For the public
Resources to support safer health choices

Information for the public to help make safer healthcare choices.

Regulating new and changing healthcare

The way healthcare is delivered is changing thanks to technological advancements, new drugs and new models of care. These changes bring positives and can also bring new risks, and you may have questions about what safe healthcare looks like.

Be safe in the knowledge you’re seeing a registered health practitioner

Information about the role and purpose of Ahpra and the National Boards, and how to check a practitioner is registered.

Public statements and warnings

Public statements are issued to warn the public about serious risks posed by people, including registered practitioners, who are the subject of investigations or disciplinary proceedings.

Interim prohibition orders

Interim prohibition orders are issued to unregistered practitioners to control a serious risk while other action is being finalised.

Court and tribunal decisions

Summaries of tribunal and court outcomes relevant to health practitioner regulation. A full library of published decisions is available on the AustLII website.

Cosmetic Surgery Hub

We’re committed to making cosmetic surgery safer. This hub has information and resources to help support patients considering surgery, details on what is and isn’t acceptable advertising, and how to report any unsafe behaviour or poor outcomes.

What the public should look out for in health advertising

Information about how to make a complaint about advertising and how and why advertising for regulated health services should be correct.

Code of conduct

Information about the expected behaviour of a registered health practitioner and how their care should meet standards of conduct.

LGBTIQA+ Communities

We are committed to being a safe regulator for LGBTIQA+ health practitioners, as well as contributing to health equity and access to safe healthcare for LGBTIQA+ people. Visit this page for information on your rights, responsibilities, and our commitment.

Information for the public about virtual care

Information to help you access safe virtual care services from registered health practitioners in Australia.

Important information about our work

Strengthening public safety in health regulation

Learn more about our work to better protect patients from sexual misconduct in healthcare.

Our procedures

Ahpra’s procedures for developing accreditation standards, registration standards, managing conflicts of interest, consultation and seeking approval of endorsements for scheduled medicines.

Regulatory guide

The Regulatory guide sets out how Ahpra and the National Boards manage notifications about the health, performance and conduct of practitioners under Part 8 of the National Law.

Panel decisions

As part of managing a notification, National Boards may decide to refer a registered practitioner or student to a panel. Panel hearing decisions since July 2010 are listed.

COVID-19 updates

COVID-19 related updates from Ahpra and the National Boards.

Page reviewed 18/02/2025