Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Registration related forms and documents
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Registration related forms and documents

Exciting changes are here to make it easier to apply for and renew registration online. 

To apply for or renew your registration simply, create, or log in to, your Ahpra practitioner portal and start an application. Our registration and application forms are now online. The process will be easier, faster, and more secure. 

We also have a new secure online ID verification process. International applicants can verify their identity before coming to Australia. 

This page contains forms, common across all professions, to help you manage aspects of your registration.  

We are in the process of moving away from PDF forms. As we transition, you can find

  • registration application and renewal forms on the Legacy forms page  
  • new declaration forms for employers, sponsors, education providers and supervisors below

Some profession-specific form which are still required can be found on your National Board's forms page.  

Forms common across all professions 

You can download a blank Statutory Declaration form from the Australian Government Attorney General's web site.

Do I need to get my document certified? 

You may need to provide certified copies of original documents when you submit your online application.

Read our instructions on how to certify your documents.  

How do I submit my supporting documents? 

Send us your supporting documents in your Ahpra practitioner portal.  

Simply log in or create an account and click Upload Documents.  

We recommend that you:  

  • review the information that you need to provide  
  • save and pause your application  
  • gather the information in the format that we need, and  
  • resume your application when you’re ready to upload your documents.  

Supervision arrangements 

Declaration form for employers, sponsors, education providers and supervisors 

These declaration forms are for health practitioners from the following professions who are applying for, or renewing, provisional or limited registration and who require supervision arrangements:

  • Chinese medicine 
  • Chiropractic 
  • Dental 
  • Medical (international medical graduates)
  • Medical radiation practice 
  • Occupational therapy 
  • Optometry 
  • Osteopathy 
  • Physiotherapy 
  • Podiatry 

These forms are not for registrants who have completed a Board approved program of study, are a medical intern, a provisional nurse or midwife, a provisional psychologist or a limited or provisional pharmacist.

Applying for provisional and limited registration – proposed supervision arrangements  

Supervisors, employers, sponsors and education providers of applicants applying for limited or provisional registration with proposed supervision arrangements must complete this form.

How to complete and submit your form

Applicants must complete the personal details and requirements sections. 

Supervisors, employers, sponsors and/or education providers, of the applicant, must complete the declaration. 

This declaration form must be included as part of your application. Use the Upload Documents function in your Ahpra practitioner portal.

International medical graduates 

Please note your proposed principal supervisor must outline the supervised practice plan in the following form: 

Your employer/sponsor/education provider must complete the Declaration form - DFLP-00.

Both SPPA-30 and the Declaration form - DFLP-00 must be submitted with your application for registration.

Renewing your provisional or limited registration – supervision arrangements

Supervisors, employers, sponsors and education providers of applicants renewing their limited or provisional registration with Board approved supervision arrangements must complete this form.

How to complete and submit your form

Applicants must complete the personal details and requirements sections. 

Supervisors, employers, sponsors and/or education providers, of the applicant, must complete the declaration. 

This declaration form must be included as part of your renewal application. Use the Upload Documents function in your Ahpra practitioner portal.

Requirements for self-reporting (notice of certain events) 

Your obligations to tell us about certain events   

Registered health practitioners or students who need to inform Ahpra and their National Board about a relevant event or change in their status in relation to certain events, now do so in the Ahpra practitioner portal.  

We are in the process of moving away from PDF forms, there is no longer a PDF form for this process.  

For more information and instructions on how to notify us see the Self-reporting for notice of certain events page.  

Certificate of Good Standing

Declarations for expired Certificate of Registration Status (CORS) or Certificate of Good Standing (COGS)

Certificates of Registration Status (CORS) or Certificates of Good Standing (COGS) are valid for three (3) months from date of issue.

Your CORS/COGS must be valid when the Board makes a decision on a registration application.

If at the time of the Board’s decision, your CORS/COGS expired but is within six (6) months from its date of issue, a declaration may be accepted in lieu of a new certificate.

If the Board’s decision, occurs six (6) months after the date of issue of your CORS/COGS, you must arrange a new certificate from the overseas regulatory body and have it sent directly to Ahpra before your registration can be finalised.

Please note that there may be other occasions when you are required to arrange for the registration body to send a new certificate directly to Ahpra before your registration can be finalised.

Below is the declaration form you must fill out if it is more than three (3) months, but less than six (6) months from the date of issue of your CORS/COGS.

International criminal history checks

Declarations for expired International criminal history checks

An International criminal history check (ICHC) is valid for three (3) months from the date of issue.

If at the time of the Board’s decision, your ICHC is not valid, a declaration may be accepted in lieu of a new ICHC to confirm your criminal history status.

Please note that there may be other occasions when you are required to submit a new ICHC to Ahpra before your registration can be finalised.

Below is the declaration form you must fill out if your ICHC is older than three (3) months from the date of issue.

Profession-specific forms

You can find profession-specific forms on your National Board's forms page:

Page reviewed 26/03/2025