Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Practitioner portal services
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Check if your health practitioner is qualified, registered and their current registration status

Practitioner portal services

Your Ahpra portal gives you access to the Ahpra practitioner services you need to apply for, renew and manage your registration. 

To log in to your Ahpra portal, select ‘login’ in the top right-hand corner of any page, and select the Practitioner login button from the login page. 

If you need help creating or logging into your Ahpra portal, please visit the Ahpra portal help centre.

Services available in your Ahpra portal:

Log into your Ahpra practitioner portal and click ‘Update my details’.

Log into your Ahpra practitioner portal, click Start an application. The form will guide you through the process of applying for registration for the first time or applying for registration in a different profession than you currently hold registration.

If you want to change registration type or details please go to Manage my registration in the top menu bar.

Log into your Ahpra practitioner portal, click Manage registration in the top menu bar. Click on the option to start an application to transition to general or specialist registration.

Log into your Ahpra practitioner portal, click Manage registration in the top menu bar. Click on the option to apply for an endorsement.

Log into your Ahpra practitioner portal, click the Start an application button. The form will guide you through the process of renewing your registration.

Log into your Ahpra practitioner portal, click the Start an application button. The form will ask if you wish to renew or opt to not renew your registration. Click opt to not renew.

Log into your Ahpra practitioner portal, in the current activity area, click the Registration application in progress tile to check the status of your application.

Any action you need to take will be listed in the action required box.

You can save your registration or renewal application and return to it later to complete it.

Log into your Ahpra practitioner portal and click Upload Documents.

Before you upload your documents, we recommend that you: 

  • review the information that you need to provide 
  • gather the information in the format that we need, and 
  • upload your documents when ready. 

The copies of the documents you upload must be: 

  • clear and legible 
  • less than 10MB, and 
  • in one of these formats: .JPG, .JPEG, .GIF, .PNG, .PDF, .TIF, .TIFF.

We cannot accept .doc, .docx or HEIC type files. 

Where indicated in your application, you must supply documents that are certified as true copies of the original documents. 

Once you've had them certified, you should scan them and make sure they're saved in an appropriate file format for upload. 

For more information, see our certifying documents page.

You can download a PDF of your certificate of registration for free from your Ahpra practitioner portal. 

How to download your certificate:

  • Log in to your Ahpra practitioner portal
  • Click My registration in the top menu bar.
  • Click Download Certificate in the registration record (bottom of the screen).
  • Your Certificate of Registration will download as a PDF.
  • Save it to your computer and print it if needed.

Your certificate is current when you download it. 

For the most accurate and up-to-date registration information, use the online Register of practitioners. It's the safest way for employers, practitioners, and the public to check registration details.

If you are applying for registration outside Australia, the regulatory authority in that area may ask for a certificate of registration status (CoRS). This is also known by some regulators as a certificate of good standing or certificate of current professional status.

In most cases, a certificate of registration (which you can download for free – see Download your certificate of registration above) or checking the online Register of practitioners is sufficient.

If a CoRs is needed, Ahpra will send the certificate directly to an Ahpra-approved regulatory body or organisation. The certificate is never given directly to a practitioner or their employer. If a practitioner nominates a regulatory body or organisation that isn’t recognised by Ahpra, the application won’t be processed.

For more information, including a list of approved bodies and organisations, check the link below:

The CoRS will include:

  • The National Board and the recipient organisation.
  • Practitioner details such as registration dates, current investigations, legal proceedings, suspensions, cancellations, and any other relevant information (e.g., active conditions, undertakings, cautions, and reprimands).
  • A summary of any past inactive investigations, legal proceedings, cautions, reprimands, undertakings, and conditions from the past 10 years.
  • The date the certificate was issued.

Ahpra doesn’t fill out forms for other regulatory bodies or organisations. If more information is needed, they can contact Ahpra directly.

To request a Certificate of Registration Status to be sent to an Ahpra-approved body or organisation

How to request a certificate of registration status online:

  1. Log in to your Ahpra practitioner portal.
  2. Click Applications in the top menu bar.
  3. Click Request for certificate of registration status.
  4. Complete the form and submit.
  5. Ahpra will send the CoRS to the Ahpra-approved body or organisation that you nominated. 

How to request a certificate of registration status in PDF:

Complete the PDF application form below and upload in your Ahpra practitioner portal. 

Health practitioners are registered under their legal name. However, some health practitioners may practise under an alternative name, such as a traditional name or an anglicised or shortened name.

Practitioners can nominate an alternative name to go on the register, alongside their legal name. Only one alternative name (comprising an alternative first name, surname, or both) can be nominated and published. You can request to have your alternative name removed if you no longer use it in your practice.

Both names will also appear on the practitioner’s certificate of registration. Having both names appear on public register will make it easier for the public to make informed decisions about their care.

A National Board may refuse to record an alternative name on the public register and to include it on the registered health practitioner’s certificate of registration for several reasons. Prohibited names include those that:

  • are obscene or offensive
  • are too long
  • consist of or include symbols without phonetic significance
  • are or include a statement or phrase
  • contain an official title or rank, including protected or specialist titles
  • are contrary to the public interest.

Registered health practitioners are obligated to only use the name/s that are recorded on the public register (a practitioner’s legal name or alternative name), or their business name, when providing health services. This includes advertising of the provision of a health service.

Failing to meet this obligation may constitute behaviours for which health, conduct or performance action could be taken.

How to nominate an alternative name online:

  1. Log in to your Ahpra practitioner portal.
  2. Click Update my details.
  3. Click Request alternative name in the Approved alternative name area.
  4. Complete the form and submit.

How to nominate an alternative name in PDF:

Complete the PDF application form below and upload in your Ahpra practitioner portal.

Your obligations to tell us about certain events

Registered health practitioners or students who need to inform Ahpra and their National Board about a relevant event or change in their status in relation to certain events, now do so in the Ahpra practitioner portal.

We are in the process of moving away from PDF forms, there is no longer a PDF form for this process. 

For more information and instructions on how to notify us see the Self-reporting for notice of certain events page.


Services available outside your Ahpra portal:

Be sure to keep the tax invoice we mail to you after you submit your application or renewal. You can’t access your tax invoice from inside your practitioner portal.

Page reviewed 16/03/2025