National Restrictions Library 2.0: This restriction applies to restictions imposed or accepted from 16 September 2024. For restrictions imposed or accepted before this date please see the National Restrictions Library 1.0.
A registered practitioner must directly supervise practitioners with this restriction. The supervisor must have the training, experience or qualifications needed to provide the required supervision.
Supervision involves overseeing the practitioner’s practice before they are granted general registration.
This type of restriction usually applies when a pharmacist is granted provisional or limited registration to complete the eligibility requirements for general registration, or to complete a period of supervised practice in accordance with the requirements of the Board’s Registration standard: Recency of practice.
We must approve the supervised practice arrangements to ensure that the nominated preceptor and locations meet the requirements.
The practitioner might have to complete oral exams within a specified timeframe.
The public register will show the approval date of the supervised practice arrangement.
We monitor compliance by checking that:
'Practise' is defined as any role, whether remunerated or not, in which the individual uses their skills and knowledge as a pharmacist. 'Practise' in this context is not restricted to the provision of direct clinical care. It also includes using professional knowledge (working) in a direct non-clinical relationship with clients, working in management, administration, education, research, advisory, regulatory or policy development roles, and any other roles that impact on the safe, effective delivery of services in pharmacy profession.
‘Supervised practice hours’ are defined as the hours spent practising under an approved supervised practice arrangement with the supervision of a pharmacist who holds general registration (the preceptor or another supervising pharmacist), while pharmacy services are provided in pharmacy premises or in other premises and circumstances determined by Ahpra.
You will receive a monitoring plan that details contact information, due dates, and the information you will need to provide to show that you are complying with your restrictions.
Please contact your case officer for more information.
For general information see our Frequently asked questions about Monitoring and compliance page
If you have not yet received contact details for your case officer, please email your enquiry.
We are here to support and guide you through your compliance.
The contact details for your case officer are included on all our correspondence with you.
We also encourage you to use independent support services, including those provided on our Practitioner support services page.
You can also contact your legal representative or professional union to support you.
Generally, we will provide a further opportunity to nominate a different supervision arrangement, or to address any shortfalls in the nomination.
If you do not have an approved supervised practice arrangement, and/or the approval date has not been published on the public register you must cease practise and must not recommence practise until such times as the approval of a supervisor has been published on the public register.
Contact us as soon as possible using the details provided in your monitoring plan.
You may be able to apply for a change in your restrictions, or an extension of the date of commencement of the requirement for supervision. Circumstances are considered on a case-by-case basis.
You must not commence practise or recommence practise until after we have assessed and approved a supervised practice arrangement and the approval has been published on the public register.
We will consider any practise in these circumstances a breach of the restrictions and may take further regulatory action, even if your nominated supervisor is subsequently approved.
Contact your case officer or team as soon as possible using the details provided in your monitoring plan.