Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Restriction: Complete Board-directed program of education
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Restriction: Complete Board-directed program of education

National Restrictions Library 2.0: This restriction applies to restictions imposed or accepted from 16 September 2024. For restrictions imposed or accepted before this date please see the National Restrictions Library 1.0.

Restriction description

A practitioner with this restriction must complete extra education. The restriction outlines the topics of the education, and they depend on what concerns we identified.

We have suggested a specific course that meets the requirements of the restriction.

The practitioner can nominate a similar education program as an alternative. We must approve any program nominated by the practitioner.

The practitioner must show evidence that they have:

  • completed the education
  • thought about how to incorporate what they learnt into their work.

We expect the practitioner to prevent similar concerns.

We monitor compliance by checking that the practitioner:

  • meets all required timeframes
  • proposes education that will deal with the concerns we identified
  • completes the education and satisfactorily completes any required assessment
  • reflects on how they will change their practice.

If audit is required

The practitioner must have their practice audited to show that they have incorporated what they learnt into their work to prevent similar concerns.

We must approve the nominated auditor and audit plan to ensure that the audit will focus on the required areas.

The practitioner must show evidence of the completed audit.

We monitor compliance with this restriction by checking:

  • the practitioner’s proposed auditor and audit plan will adequately assess the identified concerns
  • the findings of the audit.

Full text of restriction

  1. The practitioner must complete the education program, #name of program# offered by #name of provider# (or an approved alternative and equivalent education program).
  2. <include if required> The practitioner must complete the formal assessment component of the education program.

Option 1: no audit

  1. The practitioner must: 
    1. comply with the Ahpra Protocol: Complete Board-directed program of education (258 KB,PDF) in force at the date these conditions are imposed and then as updated from time to time
    2. complete the requirements of this condition within #timeframe# of the start date of this condition. The start date is #date#.

Option 2: with audit

  1. The practitioner must undergo an audit of their practice (the audit), including any supporting records. The audit is to focus on #Board’s concerns# and must include, at a minimum, #audit requirement#. 
  2. The practitioner must: 
    1. comply with the Ahpra Protocol: Complete Board-directed program of education (258 KB,PDF) and the Ahpra Protocol: Complete audit (293 KB,PDF) in force at the date these conditions are imposed and then as updated from time to time.
    2. complete the Board-directed education within #timeframe# of the start date of this condition. The start date is #date#.
    3. complete the audit within #timeframe# of the completion of the Board-directed education.

You will receive a monitoring plan that details contact information, due dates, and the information you will need to provide to show that you are complying with your restrictions.

  • Acknowledging the requirements:
    Read and acknowledge:
  • Completing the requirement
    • Complete the education within the timeframe required by your restrictions
    • You must not practise other than to complete the program of education  
  • Nominating an alternate education program
    • You can only nominate an equivalent alternative program for approval if it’s not possible for you to complete the Board directed education
    • The nomination must be approved before you start, and you must not practise other than to complete the program of education 
  • Submitting evidence of compliance
    • Submit evidence of completion of the education within the timeframe provided
    • Submit any formal assessment results if required
  • Applying to remove the restrictions.
    • We will assess the evidence and consider removal of the restrictions once all associated requirements (including formal assessment if required) have been met.
    • You will be advised of the outcome.
  • Removing the restriction 
    • The restriction is removed from your registration.


Please contact your case officer for more information. 

For general information see our Frequently asked questions about Monitoring and compliance page

If you have not yet received contact details for your case officer, please email your enquiry.

We are here to support and guide you through your compliance. 

The contact details for your case officer are included on all our correspondence with you.

We also encourage you to use independent support services, including those provided on our Practitioner support services page.

You can also contact your legal representative or professional union to support you.

You can still nominate an alternate education program. You should provide evidence of the discontinuation of the course, or evidence that supports why you are unable to attend the Board-directed program to us.

You may want to consider seeking an extension of time to nominate an alternate education program. Circumstances are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Generally, we will provide a further opportunity to nominate a different education program, or to address any shortfalls in the nomination. 

Repeated failures to make an appropriate nomination and/or delays in providing the required nominations may be considered non-compliance and may result in further regulatory action.

You should provide evidence of discontinuation to Ahpra as soon as possible. 

You will be required to nominate a new alternate education program, to complete any outstanding topics or requirements if you have not completed the requirements of your restrictions and monitoring plan.

You must not start the education before your nomination has been considered and approved.

You must not include the program of education as part of your CPD requirements for the renewal period. During a CPD audit, Ahpra will assess whether education required to satisfy restrictions has been included in CPD submissions.

If you do include it at part of your CPD requirements, you may be required to complete the shortfall in your CPD requirements for the renewal period and/or the Board may decide to take other regulatory action.

You must contact your Ahpra case officer or team as soon as possible if you have had a change in your circumstances or are unable to comply with the requirements for any reason. See your monitoring plan for contact information. 

In some cases, you may be able to apply for a change in your restrictions, or an extension of time to complete your program of education. Circumstances are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Page reviewed 13/09/2024