Applies to restictions imposed or accepted before 16 September 2024. For restrictions imposed or accepted after this date please see the National Restrictions Library 2.0.
On 11 April 2017 Ahpra announced a revised approach to the Chaperone Protocol. This included the increased use of gender-based restrictions for matters involving allegations of sexual misconduct. The gender-based restrictions and the gender-based restriction protocol can be accessed below:
On 11 April 2017 we announced a revised approach to the Chaperone protocol and related information sheets. The Chaperone protocol remains published as practitioners who have restrictions on their registration requiring compliance with the Chaperone protocol continue to be subject to the requirements of the Chaperone protocol and the related documents below.
Practitioners who have restrictions on their registration requiring compliance with the Chaperone protocol continue to be subject to the requirements of the Chaperone protocol and related documents below.