Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Corporate publications and links
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Corporate publications and links

Welcome to this publications and links page. Here you will find documents or links to commissioned reports and reviews, strategies, and submissions and more. Do also check our Publications and resources section for published reports and newsletters.

A unique and substantial achievement

A snapshot of memories and achievements to mark the 10th anniversary of the National Scheme

National Law

To view the National Law, see the Legislation page on the Ahpra website.

Regulatory guide

The Regulatory guide sets out how Ahpra and the National Boards manage notifications about the health, performance and conduct of practitioners under Part 8 of the National Law.

Regulatory guide - a full guide (1.07 MB,PDF)

Regulatory guide - an overview (222 KB,PDF) 

Reports and reviews commissioned

Document name  PDF  Accessible format  Document date 
Update on the notifier confidentiality safeguards review PDF (217 KB,PDF) Word version 
(117 KB,DOCX) 
27 May 2021
Three years on: changes in regulatory practice since Independent review of the use of chaperones to protect patients in Australia PDF (591 KB,PDF)*   May 2020
Review of confidentiality safeguards for people making notifications about health practitioners

Conducted by the National Health Practitioner Ombudsman and Privacy Commissioner at Ahpra’s request
PDF (1.13 MB,PDF)*
December 2019
Independent review of the use of chaperones to protect patients in Australia

Commissioned by the Medical Board of Australia and Ahpra in August 2016
PDF (629 KB,PDF)*   11 April 2017
Improving the notifications process: How we are implementing the KPMG recommendations PDF (408 KB)  Word version 
(302 KB,DOCX) 
February 2017
Review of notifications systems and processes

KPMG report commissioned by Ahpra and the National Boards
PDF (587 KB)*   February 2017 


The National Boards publish quarterly data profiling Australia’s health practitioner workforce.


To view these strategies visit

  • National Registration and Accreditation Scheme Strategy 2020-2025 on the National Scheme Strategy page
  • National Scheme’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Cultural Safety Strategy 2020-2025 and Ahpra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy 2020-2025 on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Strategy page
  • National Scheme engagement strategy 2020-2025 on the engagement page


Document name  PDF  Accessible format  Document date 
Ahpra’s response to Counsel Assisting’s Final Submission – Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety PDF (215 KB)    12 November 2020 
Joint National Boards and AHPRA response to consultation on the ASR final report recommendations of Australia’s health workforce: strengthening the education foundation, Independent review of accreditation systems within the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for health professions PDF (829 KB)*   April 2019
Joint submission from 13 National Boards and Ahpra to the draft report of the Independent Review of Accreditation Systems within the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme for health professions PDF (1.02 MB)*   October 2017
Submission to the Office of the Health Ombudsman Queensland on managing practitioner compliance with conditions of registration PDF (2.97 MB)  Word version 
(645 KB,DOCX) 
16 February 2015 
National Boards and AHPRA joint submission to National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS) review PDF  (3.27 MB) Word version 
(888 KB,DOCX)
October 2014
Submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the performance of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency PDF (1.36 MB) Word version
(1.35 MB,DOC)
1 March 2013
Joint Submission to the Victorian Legal and Social Issues Legislation Committee PDF (367 KB) Word version
(836 KB,DOC)
28 February 2013

*Exemption from Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

The above documents have been made available on this website in compliance with the National Law and also in the interest of transparency. Wherever possible, Ahpra provides web content in accessible formats. However in cases where the documents have been provided by other parties, accessible format files may not be available or be approved for use.

If you have difficulty accessing one of these documents, please contact us, and we will attempt to provide you with an accessible version.

Page reviewed 20/09/2024