Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Legal action
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Legal action

We prosecute people who pretend to be registered health practitioners when they are not. The most serious allegations are decided by independent panels and tribunals.

  • 515 tribunal proceedings (510 notifications, 5 compliance breaches) were ongoing at 30 June, compared with 374 matters last year. National Boards referred more matters to a tribunal, with 344 referrals made this year compared to 180 last year. 
  • 191 tribunal matters were finalised: 
    • 187 matters about 109 practitioners were decided by a tribunal; 98.4% resulted in disciplinary action. 
    • 4 matters were withdrawn or did not proceed to a tribunal because: the practitioner was deceased (1 matter), in 2 cases a Board decided to repeal the decision to refer the matters to the tribunal and in 1 matter the Board decided not to proceed to file the matter in the tribunal. 
    • National Boards continue to appropriately identify the thresholds for referring a matter to a tribunal to protect the public. 
  • 3 matters were decided by panels, all of which resulted in regulatory action. Panels are established by the Boards and include members from the community and relevant health profession. Health panels must include a medical practitioner. 
Page reviewed 22/11/2022