Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - What information do I need to provide?
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What information do I need to provide?

When you raise a concern about a registered health professional, you may need to include:

  • your details (unless you wish to remain anonymous)
  • the details of the registered health practitioner or student the concern is about
  • details of the incident(s) such as what happened, where it happened and whether there were any witnesses
  • date of the event(s)
  • if you are acting on behalf of someone else, whether you have obtained their consent
  • if you are a registered health practitioner, whether you are making a mandatory notification
  • whether you have discussed the matter or complained directly with the health practitioner concerned or another organisation, and
  • any supporting documentation.

Need help?

Contact us

The more you tell us, the better. This helps us decide if we can proceed with an investigation and to provide advice to you.

If we need to know something else, we'll contact you.

Page reviewed 12/03/2025