Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Understanding the practitioner notification experience
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Understanding the practitioner notification experience

We know that the notifications process can be stressful for notifiers, practitioners and their support networks.

We want to understand the causes of this stress, so we can make the experience better. We've been listening to the perspectives and stories of people who have been involved in the process.

Practitioner experience

These videos are first-person accounts by registered health practitioners, describing what it is like to be the subject of a notification.

The practitioners talk through their experiences, what they wish they had known, and the advice they would give to other practitioners.XXXX

‘It was anxiety, and fear of the unknown’

The importance of contacting those who are going to be of most help to you.

‘It made me question my abilities’

The importance of sharing your experience with those around you.

‘I thought they would think less of me’

The importance of sharing your experience with those around you.

‘It felt very isolating’

The importance of seeking help early.

How we're improving the notifications experience

Based on what we’ve heard, we are working to improve by:

  • moving to more phone calls as a first point of contact
  • improving our written communication so that it is easier to understand
  • communicating expected timelines and outcomes
  • working hard to speed up the process
  • collecting and analysing information about the experience of notifiers and practitioners through surveys and interviews to highlight further opportunities for improvement.
Page reviewed 3/10/2024