Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Updated English language skills registration standard expected to take effect 18 March 2025
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Updated English language skills registration standard expected to take effect 18 March 2025

11 Mar 2025

The revised Registration standard: English language skills (the common ELS standard) and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s English language skills registration standard (NMBA ELS standard) is expected to take effect from 18 March 2025.

Important changes to the standards include expanding the list of recognised countries, reducing the accepted score for the writing component of approved English language tests to IELTS 6.5 (or equivalent), adding the Cambridge English language skills test and improving flexibility for applicants to meet National Boards’ English language skill requirements.

Previously, practitioners who had trained or lived extensively in seven recognised English-speaking countries - including the UK, USA and New Zealand – did not automatically have to sit an English language test to be registered in Australia. Under the revised standard the list of recognised English-speaking countries has been expanded to 30 nations and territories, cutting red tape for qualified practitioners.

With the announcement of the expected take effect date, information for practitioners on how they can provide evidence of meeting the revised standard has also been published.

Ahpra and the National Boards are also providing some flexibility in transition arrangements. Practitioners  with applications being assessed at the time the revised standard comes into effect and those that may have met the revised ELS standard had it come into effect earlier in the advance copy publication period (December 2024 to March 2025), are encouraged to read the National Boards’ transition arrangements.  Those seeking additional flexibility in the assessment of their application under the revised ELS standard, must apply within 30 days of the revised standard taking effect.

South Africa will no longer be considered a recognised country. To ensure a reasonable transition for applicants, there will be a 12-month transition period for this change to come into effect. 

Further advice will be provided if there are any delays to this date. 

Page reviewed 11/03/2025