Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Have your say: Cosmetic surgery review calling for submissions
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Have your say: Cosmetic surgery review calling for submissions

04 Mar 2022

Cosmetic surgery patients, health practitioners, professional organisations and agencies are encouraged to share their views and experiences in a consultation which launches today, as part of an independent review of cosmetic surgery.  

Key points
  • The independent review of the regulation of health practitioners in the cosmetic surgery is open for consultation.
  • The Independent Reviewer wants to hear from the public, health practitioners, professional organisations and agencies about their experience.
  • Consultation will close 14 April 2022.


The Independent review of the regulation of health practitioners in cosmetic surgery, commissioned by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) and the Medical Board of Australia in November 2021, is looking at what actions will better protect patients undergoing cosmetic surgery. 

The Independent Reviewer, former Queensland Health Ombudsman, Andrew Brown, is considering how the regulatory approach of Ahpra and the Medical Board of Australia keeps pace with rapid changes in the cosmetic surgery industry.

‘We will be looking at what role Ahpra and the Medical Board can and should play to regulate medical practitioners who perform cosmetic surgery. We are particularly interested in understanding barriers to consumers, practitioners or their employees raising concerns about unsafe practices or unsatisfactory outcomes,’ Mr Brown said.

‘We will be examining how best Ahpra and the Medical Board should deal with concerns when they are raised. We also will be looking at what information consumers should be given about their procedures and other factors that may influence informed decision-making.’

Consumer submissions can be made via an online survey or via email: for approximately six weeks. Practitioners, professional organisations and agencies are encouraged to email their responses to the questions in the consultation paper.

The Independent Reviewer will then make recommendations to Ahpra and the Medical Board of Australia. That report is expected mid-2022.

Ahpra CEO, Martin Fletcher, said the outcome will help inform how the regulator can better protect the public.

‘The cosmetic surgery sector is growing and we want to ensure that patient safety comes first. While we are just one part of a system of checks and balances, we recognise we play a significant role alongside other regulators. We are always open to ways we can do better,’ Mr Fletcher said. 

The public consultation paper released today provides further detail on the focus of the review. This is supported by the Terms of Reference.

Contact us
  • Make a submission
  • Media enquiries: (03) 8708 9200.
  • Anyone with concerns about the care they have received from a registered health practitioner, can make a notification here  or by calling  Ahpra on 1300 419 495. 


Page reviewed 4/03/2022