Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - You may notice that our public register looks a little different
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You may notice that our public register looks a little different

28 Jul 2021

We’ve launched a new-look public register with enhanced search capabilities.

The public register aims to help you make more informed decisions about your healthcare.

By checking the register, you can find out:

  • if a practitioner is registered
  • what their qualifications and specialties are
  • what languages they may speak
  • what suburb they work in the most, and
  • if they’re subject to any restrictions that may limit their practice in some way.

We want to make using the register as easy as possible. To help with this, we’ve improved the register’s search functionality by adding in:

  • predictive text
  • phonetic searching/sounds like (in case you don’t know the exact spelling of a practitioner’s name)
  • search by location (so in addition to being able to ‘check’ your practitioner, you will also be able to ‘find/search for’ a registered practitioner in a particular area. For example, you may want to look for a physiotherapist in Carlton, that’s a woman and speaks Greek), and
  • refined search filters (including being able to search by the 15 most common community languages).

We’ve also added in new information boxes to help explain some of terms used on the register and what you should be looking for when checking a practitioner’s registration details.

This is just the beginning of our work to improve access to the public register, especially for those in our communities who may have barriers to access.

We’d love to hear what else you think could improve the register. You can provide feedback via a pop-up survey box on the public register landing page.

Page reviewed 28/07/2021