Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - The cost of accreditation: 2020 supplementary report published
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The cost of accreditation: 2020 supplementary report published

07 Dec 2020

The Cost of Accreditation in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme: 2020 Supplementary report including 2016/17 and 2017/18 financial year data report has been published.

In 2016, the Accreditation Liaison Group1 (ALG) coordinated the collection of costs data and the development of a report titled the Cost of Accreditation in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (the National Scheme). The report focused on accurately describing the costs of accreditation in the National Scheme.

After the report was published in 2016, Accreditation Authorities, National Boards and Ahpra committed to publishing updated costs data in future years. This year the supplementary report (2020 report), which builds on the 2016 report, was published. The 2020 report adds income, expenditure and activity information for the 2016/17 and 2017/18 financial years to relevant sections of the 2016 report. It also gives a five-year data series to show the peaks and troughs of the work involved in accreditation within the National Scheme and points to efficiencies overtime.

Work on the 2020 report was led by Fiona Stoker, CEO, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council, and Narelle Mills, CEO, Australian Dental Council, supported by Ahpra’s Accreditation team.

Bronwyn Clark, Co-Chair of the ALG, Chair of the Health Professions Accreditation Collaborative Forum (HPACF) and CEO Australian Pharmacy Council, said, ‘the 2020 supplementary report is an excellent example of the collaborative approach to information sharing and is important in enhancing understanding about the collective cost of accreditation in the National Scheme, including trends over the past five years.’

Brett Simmonds, the ALG Co-Chair and Chair Pharmacy Board of Australia, noted, ‘Its pleasing to publish five years of information about accreditation costs in a consistent format. Further work is planned to develop new template for costs data to improve the quality and comparability of the data into the future.’

Martin Fletcher, Ahpra CEO, added, ‘we look forward to continuing work with National Boards and Accreditation Authorities to build on the accreditation costs work published so far’.

To view the 2020 report please visit the Ahpra Accreditations publications webpage.

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1The Accreditation Liaison Group is a subcommittee of the Forum of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme Chairs and includes representatives of National Boards, Accreditation Authorities and Ahpra.
Page reviewed 7/12/2020