Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Call for applications
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Call for applications

28 Apr 2017

Call for persons interested in being appointed to the inaugural Paramedicine Board of Australia

Are you a paramedic or a member of the community with an interest in national regulation of paramedics in Australia?

Nominations and expressions of interest are sought for practitioner (paramedic) member and community member appointments to the inaugural Paramedicine Board of Australia (to be established)

You may also express interest in being considered for appointment as the inaugural National Board Chair when you lodge your application.

Expressions of interest and nominations from experienced paramedics and members of the community from each state and territory are encouraged. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people are encouraged to express interest or be nominated. Paramedic stakeholders are encouraged to nominate suitable candidates for consideration of appointment.

Important! This call is made with the agreement of the Australian Health Workforce Ministerial Council to support first appointments being made later this year. However, for the appointments to be made, the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law must be amended to enable the national regulation of paramedics and the establishment of the Board. If the National Law is not amended, no board appointments will be made, and applications will not be progressed.

Appointments may be for up to three years as decided by the Ministerial Council and are subject to the National Law being amended to enable Ministers to make appointment decisions.

More information about the roles, eligibility requirements and the application process can be found in the information guide and application form below.

For enquiries, please contact

Applications close Monday 12 June 2017, 5pm AEST.

Page reviewed 28/04/2017