Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Call for applications
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Call for applications

24 Jul 2015

The Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia (the Board) is calling for applications from interested persons for appointment to the Accreditation Committee (the Committee).

The role of the Committee is to develop and review accreditation standards for medical radiation practice programs of study, for approval by the Board; and to assess and monitor programs of study and education providers against the approved accreditation standard for medical radiation practice programs. The Committee also makes recommendations and gives advice to the Board regarding accreditation functions and associated issues.  

The Board is seeking applications from:

  • medical radiation practitioners in all divisions of registration who have current knowledge of the capabilities required for practice in the profession;
  • members of the community;
    • with experience in education and/or assessment; and/or
    • currently holding a senior academic position in an Australian tertiary institution within the discipline of medical radiation science; and/or
    • who possess accreditation experience, external to the medical radiation profession.

Appointments are for up to three (3) years, with eligibility for reappointment, and are expected to commence at the start of January 2016.

Candidate information pack and application forms

For more information on the:

  • National Board, visit the Board website
  • Accreditation Committee, visit the Committee page
  • Application process, please download the information guide and application forms provided above.

For general enquiries please contact  

Applications will be assessed by a selection advisory panel for appointable positions.

Applications closed Monday 24 August 2015.

Page reviewed 24/07/2015