Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Panel member recruitment
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Panel member recruitment

As part of managing a notification (which is in effect a concern or complaint about a registered health practitioner under the National Law), National Boards may decide to refer the registered practitioner or student to a panel. More information about managing notifications, including how we work with health complaints entities in each state and territory, is published on the Ahpra website under notifications.

A panel could be a health panel or a performance and professional standards panel. These are established from a list of approved people, to hear allegations about a particular practitioner.

Under the National Law, panels must include members from the relevant health profession as well as community members. Health panels must include a medical practitioner. Each National Board has a list of approved people who may be called on to sit on a panel.

How to join a panel

Ahpra (on behalf of the National Boards) from time to time invites applications from practitioners and members of the community to be added to these lists of approved panel members.

When a vacancy is identified, Ahpra invites interested persons to apply and details are published on this website.

National Board Vacancy States and Territories Open date Closing date Status 
Dental Board of Australia Call for applications: Appointment to the List of Approved Persons for hearing panels

9 February 2025 11:55 pm AEST Open


Page reviewed 10/02/2025