This collection statement sets out the way that the Board and Ahpra may collect, use and disclose your information. It is to be read when completing your application for review of conditions or undertakings form.
The personal information (that is, information that identifies you) and sensitive information (such as criminal history and health information) collected in this form:
If you do not provide the required information, your application for review may not proceed.
The Board and Ahpra may:
Where Ahpra uses third parties, we require the third parties to comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and impose, as far as possible, confidentiality and privacy obligations at least as demanding as those that apply to us.
Ahpra may also verify your registration details, including your date of birth and address, to other people (such as prospective employers) who disclose that information to Ahpra to confirm your identity. Ahpra will only do this where the person seeking verification has given a legal undertaking they have your consent to this verification.
The Board and Ahpra are committed to protecting your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act. Ahpra’s Privacy Policy explains how you may: access and seek correction of your personal information held by Ahpra and the Board; how to complain to Ahpra about a breach of your privacy; and how your complaint will be dealt with. The policy can be accessed on the Privacy page.
ARCD-81, ARCD-86, ARCD-10, ARCD-20, ARCD-91, ARCD-40, ARCD-96, ARCD-50, ARCD-56, ARCD-60, ARCD-66, ARCD-70, ARCD-76