Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - National Scheme reports and reviews
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National Scheme reports and reviews

Final reports and announcement about Health Ministers’ reviews in relation to the National Scheme.

Rapid review: use of title ‘oral surgeon’ (2024)

On 16 August 2024, Health Ministers referred the use of the dental specialist title ‘oral surgeon’ to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) for consideration and advice, to ensure patients and consumers have a clear understanding of the skills and qualifications of the practitioners providing them care. To inform timely advice to Health Ministers, Ahpra appointed an independent reviewer to carry out a rapid review of the use of the title ‘oral surgeon’. The reviewer undertook targeted consultation with key stakeholders and produced a report on the review.

The review found that there was ‘insufficient reliable and independently assessed evidence to indicate that the use of the title ’oral surgeon’ has caused serious harm to the public or led to a substantial loss of public confidence in the safety of services provided by oral surgeons.’

The review recommended a comprehensive public consultation on all dental specialist titles, including the title oral surgeon. The Dental Board of Australia has accepted this recommendation and will carry out a review of specialist titles in 2025-26.

National registration and accreditation scheme: governance review (2020)  

Independent Accreditation Systems Review (2020)

Independent review of the National Scheme (2014/15)

National registration of the paramedic profession (2015)

Dental Board of Australia scope of practice (2019)

Review of Medical Intern Training commissioned by the Australian Health Ministers’ Advisory Council (AHMAC) – 2015/16 

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Page reviewed 28/02/2025