Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Engaging with Ahpra
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Engaging with Ahpra

Ahpra is committed to excellent service. When a person approaches us with a request, application, notification or enquiry our staff do their best to assist them with their enquiry as quickly as possible.

To help us do this we ask you to do the following when you engage with us:

Please be courteous – we ask that you communicate respectfully. Our staff deserve a safe working environment. Abusive, threatening, discriminatory or offensive communication and behaviour will not be tolerated.

Please be clear – we can assist you more easily if we can understand why you are contacting us and the information you are seeking. We may need to ask you questions in order to best assist you.

Please give us time to respond – sometimes it can take a little while for us to provide you with the information you need. We value your enquiry, and want to provide both a timely and accurate response. It can be confusing when people contact us via several different channels about the same issue. This can slow down our ability to respond to you.

Please be understanding – we are sometimes limited in the amount of information we can provide, due to our responsibilities under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law as in force in each State and Territory and other laws enacted by the Federal, State and Territory governments. We provide as much information as we are able to. However, due to privacy and confidentiality there are some things that we cannot discuss. We will likely confirm your identity at the start of an interaction to protect your privacy.

If people don’t engage with us respectfully, we may need to implement a plan to ensure the safety of our staff when we engage with them. Our Communication Management Policy is available here (191 KB,PDF).

Page reviewed 15/02/2022