Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Web enquiry
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Check if your health practitioner is qualified, registered and their current registration status

Web enquiry

In this section:

Web enquiries overview
Web enquiry categories
Web enquiry form

Web enquiry overview

We welcome your feedback and enquiries via our web enquiry form. If you request a response, we aim to contact you within two business days.

Please note:

  • During our peak period (October - January), we may take longer than two business days to respond.
  • To help us secure your data - please do not provide credit or debit card details in this form.

If your enquiry is urgent, please call Ahpra.

Web enquiry categories

Category You would like to:
Application: request information about (a) Applying for registration or renewal as a health practitioner, (b) Changing your registration type, or (c) the progress of an existing application for registration or renewal. More information about applications »
IQNM OBA model: request information about (a) the IQNM OBA model, (b) the IQNM Self-check, (c) applying for registration as an IQNM. More information about the IQNM OBA model. More information about IQNM OBA model »
Online Services - Practitioner: request assistance with your existing practitioner online service such as login problems or questions about available services such as certificate printing or online renewal. More information about practitioner online services »
Online Services - Employer: request online access as an employer or enquire about your existing employer online service. More information about employer online services »
Registers of Practitioners: enquire about a record on the Registers of Practitioners. More information about Registers of Practitioners »
Registers of Practitioners - Specialist: advise Ahpra of an incorrect ‘Specialist’ entry on the Registers of Practitioners. For further information relating to ‘specialist registration’ select More information about specialist Registers of Practitioners »
Registration Standard: request information about a registration standard. (CPD, English language, etc.) More information about registration standards »
Registration Review: request a review of a current registration. (type, endorsement, compliance, specialty)
Feedback: submit feedback and comments to Ahpra.
General: contact Ahpra about another matter.

Submit a Web Enquiry

We welcome your feedback and enquiries. If you request a response we aim to contact you within 2 business days. Please note during peak period (October – January) response times may take longer.

* indicates a required field

Step 1 of 2: Please identify whether you are a registered/pending Health Practitioner or a member of the Public

Are you a registered health practitioner, or have you previously been registered with Ahpra?* [?]

For security purposes, and to ensure that Ahpra is responding to legitimate enquiries, please provide the details requested below. This information will only be used to verify your identity, and will not be shared with any other parties.

Step 1: About You

Date of birth:*

Step 2: Your Feedback or Enquiry

Step 2 of 2: Please provide the following details about your enquiry

If you enquiry is not related to a specific profession or an appropriate profession is not listed, please select ‘Other’

What profession are you enquiring about?* [?]

If you are a health practitioner, please select the state in which you practice (or intend to practice)

Note: Please allow two business days for a response.
During peak period (October – January) response times may take longer.

Page reviewed 25/03/2025