Call our Cosmetic Surgery Hotline
Our Cosmetic Surgery Hotline, 1300 361 041, is where patients can tell us about their bad experiences. A specialised team is here to listen Monday to Friday 9am–5pm AEST. Concerns can be lodged confidentially so the practitioner will not know the name of the person who complained. You can also submit a concern online.
Don’t let what happened to you happen to someone else. Report your bad cosmetic surgery experience and help protect others.
Information for practitioners
Find out what you need to know about practice guidelines and your advertising obligations on our practitioner information page.
Information for the public
Are you thinking of having cosmetic surgery? Have you had a bad experience and want to know if you can report it?
Effective now: new practice and advertising changes
Non-surgical cosmetic procedures
Keep up to date with the latest information for non-surgical cosmetic procedures.
What to do if surgery goes wrong
Find out where you can report a bad experience with cosmetic surgery.
Practitioners can help make cosmetic surgery safer
What you need to do – follow the new practice and advertising guidelines.
Establishing an endorsement for cosmetic surgery
Cosmetic surgery reform is underway, which will establish higher professional standards.
What to ask before a cosmetic procedure
Advice about how to choose a qualified practitioner, what to expect in your appointments and the questions you should ask about safety.